I understand that even in Amazon there can be glitches.Had ordered an item for one day delivery buy paying Rs 120 more. (Guaranteed morning 11 am delivery. Got a message in morning that there will be a delay. Though it was a delay from sellers end in dispatch.
Today called up support only to know that it was not delivered because the payment was not realised. Checked my bank account to find it was debited.
If it was about payment realisation they should have sent the mail accordingly and not stating there was a delay in getting items or so.
I was also told that they tried getting payment from my account at 2 am today and it did not go through - This is a serious issue - Need to check if they have taken money twice .
This cannot happen - how can they know my bank account credentials? For now will not go much into this - I believe in security with my bank.
Had not faced such an issues with other Amazon purchases - but most of them were with card.