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Member Since:Sep 19, 2008
14 MS Points
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Once paid, the buyer has to follow up for deliver
Reviewed Amazon
I understand that even in Amazon there can be glitches.Had ordered an item for one day delivery buy paying Rs 120 more. (Guaranteed morning 11 am delivery. GoRead more...
Going of Tikona? Don't.
Reviewed Tikona WiBro
I made a mistake of not doing a bit of reading reviews of services provided by Tikona. I am a victim now and struggling hard to get my services terminated. IfRead more...
Going of ? Suggestion : Read Reviews
Reviewed ABC Broadband
I made a mistake of not doing a bit of reading reviews of services provided by ABC Broadband. I am a victim now and struggling hard to get my services terminRead more...
My Personal Opinion - Say No To TATA-AIG
Reviewed Tata AIG General Insurance
Thinking that "TATA" would provide the best to the public, I went in for 4 policies. I now regret my decision. The admin charges are high, the fact was not iRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on rajendharb6's review
Will be careful on returning and refunds if I go back to shopping on Amazon!
Rated on rajendharb6's review
Rated on ninja99hacker's review
Commented on ninja99hacker's review
May be there are pros but what about cons? Yes I had many positive experiences with Amazon shopping, but one recent shopping went very horrible, where only on follow up I came to know they did not deliver because the payment was not received (it was net-banking transaction) while it was debited i Read More...
Commented on own review
Got a SMS that order is cancelled - Unilateral decision from their end. Asking me to check mail. The mail states that refund for processed successfully. Need to keep my fingers crossed - as first they said they did not receive payment - Now they say refund is processed - Too much of headache - No Read More...
If there are payment gateway glitches then they should be communicated properly to customer. Collecting 120 INR for 'GUARANTEED 11 am delivery' and no delivery even after two days frustrates. Only when I call up I get to know this. On follow now I get a mail stating that it will take 12 more h Read More...
Commented on avi550m's review
Just 4 days of using the keyboard the keyboard battery indicator stopped glowing. Thinking that battery needs replaced - Changed - but of no use just comes on for couple of seconds and goes off. Need to search for info now!
Commented on sujichak's review
Only those who suffer with Fedex services will know the pain. As I type this I am put on hold by their support team. 8 PM is scheduled delivery. Even prior to the time I get a exception message stating that customer not available. I am call for more than 10 min now (i guess). They are not able to Read More...
Commented on Samir_M980's review
I should agree that I did look at it as a good and reputed store. I am being proved wrong. My saga with them starts now
Commented on niharika254's review
My saga for waiting starts today. They promised 12 noon. Now when I call up the say anytime between 2 and 7 pm
Commented on lorna_pinto's review
I will I read this before I spent hard earned money - waiting today for delivery and customer care just cut the phone - of course not for shoe rack, but for cot and study tables. They do not understand what customer is asking for!
Commented on aartidabade's review
Wow - I think Tata Sky is not worried about customers. So many people expressing their frustration and nothing is happening. I did get a call today after sending mail to help@tatasky.com. Got an assurance that it will be resolved in 4 hours and nothing happened.
Commented on johnv878's review
You are not alone in the crusade. Yes not able to reach customer care. Today I did reach one of them only to be told you are a premium customer and will transfer to respective department - only to be transferred somewhere where I was asked to dial 1 for credit card recharge and 2 for debit card rech Read More...
1106440887-Tikona user id Contact number : 9443045164
Commented on karandixit192's review
Not sure if it was the same Swapnil calling from a Mumbai Number, who tried to convince me to stay back. I did try to give one more chance, but the worst part is, the following day or so there was a call to me and the guy really irritated me. I decided not to stay back.
Commented on jakshaya's review
The comment on review by Abhijit_S looks like a paid post to me.
Commented on pathakdevang's review
I am also struggling hard to get my services terminated. They have sent a bill too. I pay for static IP, Nothing done till now. Also within days of subscribing, had many issues with the CC. Called up and asked for termination. Still not terminated. Following up with them. now. Just was Read More...
Commented on ankush_kumar's review
Okay the more I read reviews about Tikona, the more I come to know that such positive reviews are posted by either Tikona person or a person paid to do so. Check out in broadband forums, the same english, the same style the same kind of referring an engineer the same :-) Guys I am a victim no Read More...
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