I ordered an Asus laptop thru amazon.in(order id 404-4792174-1977917) on 25 July and received the same item on 28 July. But when I tried to switch on that laptop, I found it was faulty one as it was not starting up at all, even the charging sign was showing.
I called up amazon.in customer service to replace this product and worst thing I came to know is that amazon.in doesnt replace their product as they refund the amount. I have bought this laptop from my credit card and already converted the amount in 12 emi, all the things like processing fee, interest everything has been processed already that means even if they refund me the amount, that amount will be adjusted in credit card statement and I have to pay the emi or whole amount as it is.
I requested them that instead of refunding please replace it and provide me the same product, but policy is policy, even customer go to hell. Then I sent back the product which has been received by amazon.in on 01st august at 12.00 PM but still the refund has not been processed. I called them today morning they are saying it will take one more business day and the irony is that, they say "WILL CONFIRM ME TOMORROW 04 AUG ABOUT THE SAME."