The amex people sure advertise lots and they try to woo the probable customer with lots of snail mail. So what happens then?
I thought of giving a try after they bombarded me with a lot of postal mails n forms. So I applied for the card. Provided whatever details that were required. To collect thei forms, they sent one of their guys. not once but thrice. Well, that definitely impressed me. I thought , hey this is gr8 service.
But then, the nightmare started. First they approached our house and started asking questions about me from my parents. After that there a few phone calls, asking for confirmation of one data or another. And then, suddenly all communication ceased. Here I was, wondering as to whether I would get the card or not.
Then, one fine day I get a letter saying that due to various reasons (not mentioned) my application was rejected. Jeez! If they do not want clients why do they approach us huh? I hold 2 credit cards anyways. Anyways, I am now glad that I do not own an AMex card. Cause, I found out that their card is not as widely accepted as the VIsa or master card.
But even today, I receive their mailers, and I get peeved each time I see them.