Well for any education concious student it should be pretty clear that what value does an AICTE stamp means for a course, it means that your degree is recognised by Govt. of India and when you apply for any govt. job just after finishing your degree your degree holds true.while its necessity for UG courses its of equal importance in PG courses too.....
Yeah I know many people may debate with me that how many top B-schools r AICTE approved but mind it they are on top and their own logo is of same worth as of AICTE.They have proven track records.You cant go to IIMs/IITs and ask for their recognition............ nobody simply nobody will do it. Now our main focus AMITY.......I have simple step for you to judge the worth
No proven track records simply pathetic UG courses with rich brats not even coming to attend classes same as RAI University......plain P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C
Remember its not IIM/FMS (nowhere near top 50 whatever those surveys say that are themselves heavily paid to rank it that way) so AICTE approval becomes important
Moreover if you look at placements guess what you get a big zero .Yes that is what the scene is for placements...............
Yes with infrastructure AMITY can even give the top slot a go.....
But how wise it will be to join an institute just for infrastructure?
So the only hope is AICTE approved PGDBM