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Member Since:Apr 21, 2005
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Education: B.tech
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Not an intelligent mind's choice.
Reviewed Institute of Management Studies (IMS) - Ghaziabad
During my working tenure in GhaziabadI happened to visit this institute just to get admission information for my brother. The institute, set up in 1990 is in Read more...
A Place whereyou feel close to God
Reviewed Ujjain
Ujjain one of seven sacred places for Hindus.The place boasts of being an important place during reign of King Ashoka for Buddhism and believe me it gives youRead more...
Reviewed Vaish College of Engineering - Rohtak
For all you people who might be thinking that why all my reviews come on professional education, its just because ive seen a lot of colleges and experieRead more...
Well different it is 4 sure !!!
Reviewed PVR - Vikaspuri - Delhi
Living with in walking distance from PVR,Vikas Puri I have visited this cinema hall many times and let me tell you straight even if you are not a movie buff oRead more...
Still a lot 2 b done..........!!!
Reviewed N.C. College of Engineering - Panipat
N.C.COLLEGE in Israna (Panipat)- a lot was said to me about this college by few of my friends (who studied in this college....).Obviously they were all good tRead more...
Simply SUPERB..........
Reviewed Bembos - Rajouri Garden - Delhi
Bemisaal(uncomparable).........Yes indeed it is. In Delhi (specially west delhi)if you like to have Tandoori feast at affordable rates with a reasonably wellRead more...
Reviewed Amity Business School - Delhi
Well for any education concious student it should be pretty clear that what value does an AICTE stamp means for a course,it means that your degree is recognisRead more...
Reviewed Al Falah School of Engineering and Technology - Gurgaon
Al-Flah School of Engg.& Technology popularly known as AFSET by students is situated in Dhouj,Haryana. The person who has not gone to the institute might consRead more...
No where near a descent institute
Reviewed Asia Pacific Institute of Management - Delhi
Yes..the new building of this institute is quiet good (although small somewhat).In a descent locality in south delhi with all those brand new elevators and ceRead more...
PLS DONT GO FOR IT...........
Reviewed All India Management Association - Delhi
Well what do u say about a college who doesnt has its own classrooms and more so if its an organisation who conducts an ALL INDIA LEVEL MBA qualifying eRead more...
Just another college....
Reviewed FORE School of Management-Delhi
YES its just another college with absolutely no standard in front of exclusive CAT colleges.Here are some reasons why High back door entries (as high aRead more...
Wastage of money
Reviewed JIMS School of Business-Delhi
Jagan Institute of Management popularly known as JIMS with many of its branches in parts of Delhi (Rohini,Kalkaji etc.) is a surely a wastage of money acc. toRead more...
Reviewed The Technological Institute of Textile and Sciences - Bhiwani
Technological Institute of Textile & sciences is one of the premiere institutes for textile education. It will be intresting to know that as the practical labRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on girishchhabra's review
Commented on girishchhabra's review
Stop decieving other people its not the truth.Moreover i think its not you fault as it is your duty to defend your college whether it shines or stinks .!!!
Followed niks_cool
Rated on rajatkhattar's review
Commented on rajatkhattar's review
Engineering college and a journalist, a film director and a politician are given as glorified references of alumni.... wow !!! now don't you have any CEO OR MD STUFF IN Engineering firm or technical level those are real references. Moreover by quoting your personal remarks against me you only just Read More...
Rated on pc0240's review
Commented on pc0240's review
Without any further clarifications i'll like to say stop decieving other ppl as Raj Khattar himself admitted in his review that there are no placements at all........ and he is ur alumni only .Need i say more your double standards and lie has been caught in public whatever you say now
Rated on niks_cool's review
Rated on iamsujaij's review
Rated on Cousin2's review
Rated on harrykid's review
Rated on mskhetan's review
Rated on starpluswatcher04's review
Followed starpluswatcher04 , coolcritic007
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