Vampire super hero Angel fights vampires, demons and other supernatural horrors in this tv series.You can Angel on Starworld from Monday to Friday at 5pm.
Angel was once Angelus an evil vampire who thrived on human suffering.He and his vampire family spread terror throughout Europe.But he went too far when he chose to kill the darling child of a Gypsy Clan.The Gypsies cursed him ...with a soul.At
that instant all his past misdeeds came to haunt him.His victims cries never gave him a moments peace and drew him to near madness.
Years passed and now Angel is in Los Angeles, the City of Angels atoning his evil by helping the helpless.And working towards his own redemption.For there is a prophecy which guarantees that the vampire with the soul who averts the Apocalypse becomes human.That hope is what keeps him sane and straight.He gathers a crew of like minded people who are recruited by circumstances and forms Angel Investigations.
There is a dark twist to Angels curse.If he ever attains a moment of perfect happiness
the soul disappears and Angel reverts to the evil monster he was-Angelus.
Angel - The only vampire with a soul.Broods too much.Particularly about his bloody past.
Angelus - Angel reverts to Angelus when he loses his soul.Angelus is a sadistic monster who enjoys manipulating others as well as torturing them.
Cordelia Chase- Cordelia came to L.A to be a Hollywood star.But circumstances changed and she is now a seer of Angel Investigations(She suffers painful visions of people in trouble).Possesss a down to earth attitude and an acid sense of humor.
Wesley Wyndham-Price -Former member of the watchers council.Now the demonology expert of Angel Investigations
Charles Gunn- Former street-fighter with a bitter hatred of vampires.Romantically involved with Fred.
Winifred Burkle- Prefers to be called Fred.Fred is shy, babbles a bit too much when she is nervous and is very brilliant.
Lorne -Empath demon from the pylea dimension.Lorne can divine peoples thoughts, emotions and future by listening to them sing.
Connor- Angels human son by Darla by virtue of a miracle(vampires are unable to have kids).Insolent brat deserves a good spanking.
Darla- She sired she made Angel into a vampire.In other words Angel is Darlas childe.She and Angelus stayed together for some 100 plus years.
The series is in the fourth season now.In my opinion it has one of the most pathetic story arc.The Cordelia-Connor relationship is hard to swallow.It also features a small return of Angelus.Gunn-Fred relationship crumbles with a good hand of Angeluss manipulation.
Thankfully season 5 starts on May10.Angel takes over as CEO of the Los Angeles branch of Wolfram and Hart.The very firm Angel spent most of the years fighting.The story line improves with the entry of Spike Angels grandchilde and eternal thorn on his side.His sarcastic humor and needling of Angel is welcome. Also enters ditzy blonde vampire Harmony, Cordelias old friend as Angels new secretary.Also there is the corruption from inside.
The series Angel depicts the coming of age of a number of characters.Mainly Angel.He starts out as an idealistic Champion of the Powers-that-be.No compromise with evil and all that.Yet as the series ends he no longer thinks in black and white anymore.He murders one of his friends to get an entry into the secret Blackthorn Society. Same with Cordelia.She starts out as a very selfish girl who is out for the main chance.But she grows up and accepts pain and responsibility as her destiny.Another good example is Wesley, who starts out as an inept ex-watcher and blossoms into a mature and serious demon expert.
Another endearing character of Angel is his human nature.He is not above being petty and holds grudges for ages.His excessive brooding earned him many nicknames from the other members of Angel Investigations.egBroodmeister, His Broodiness.
All in All Angel has kickass action, great actors(yum that Spike), great dialogue and superior script.