Hey ppl
Well I got pulled into reading this dan rown books starting from davinci thanks to my friend who said try it u will like it ....so it went vinci code....digital fortress and now angels & demons........I mean whats up with this guy how..how can he do these things ?....The next word I will say is stunning his work is stunning.
Angles & demons (hence forth A&D)well the plot is that like all brown books robert langdon is called for translation of something he isnt told abt....he meets vittoria a pretty lady who is also like her father a scientist ...working for a high tech research lab....langdon find out that vittorias father was murdered brutally and his eye was taken out ...........it turns out taht murdering was not the ultimate goal it was just to get access to vittorias fathers lab which opens on eye scanner.........someone has stold a canister not a big deal so far.....................
But as langdon learns and so does vittoria that her father had discovered pure power , something called anti-matter just opposite to matter like - for + and by combining matter and anit matter energy can be created.........simply genious , pratical and gr8 rt ???? well getting back ....who stold no 1 knows why no clue..however the director of the the lab suspects that a terrorist group has stolen it and if not brought back the anti matter within 24 hrs will collide with matter and BOOM may be world destruction ...bcs its highly reactive and few milligrams of anti matter can create energy equivalent to 100 atomic bombs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So langdon and vittoria set out to find the canister..but they dont know that canister is not the problem..the actual thing is worst ...........there is popes death and a new one is gonna b selected in next 24 hrs.........but as langdon finds out in his 24 hrs quest that the there is only one organisation behind all this which is called ILLUMINATI.
ILLUMINATI was a group of scholars who would make experiments and findings away from the eyes of church..as church was the supremo in early ages and so scientists were not to challenge its declarations......so gallileo found it and many famous scientists like newton etc....they used it like a sceret club for science benefits........but soon ppl started missusing it under the name of terror organisation and so it was shut down........only few ppl knew where its HQ was..now it is said that ILLUMINATI is comming back with the BOOM...thats rt some1 claims its the ILLUMINATI and its going to blast the vatican city .....langdon has to stop it.....in 24 hrs
Whats more they say they will kill 4 ppl who are most likely candidates for being the next pope !!!!!!!!!!!!....thye illuminati murder says the killing will be in vatican city and in public one by one...........and so it happens one in earth one in fire one in air and one is killed in water...........these r illuminati symbols air , earth, fire and water............whats so special abt them u will c when u read the book !!!!!!!!!! so who is behind all this
1.ILLUMINATI- the group which is dead hundreds of years ago ??
2.some creepy anti-christain god hating organisation ???
3.kohler the director of research lab... as he is the one who will be most benefitted by selling this
technology... he was also close friend of vittorias father ?????
Well for that read the book .............for what I can say is Dan browns best book I liked yet of all because of its creativity, logic and blending of sci-fi adventures which are pratically possible............an a hint of ancient of suspense horror drama..........is worth reading.......
However its also visual book U will get it when u read it that the symbols of illuminati are symmetrically designed denoting equality of forces like man and women , + and -, etc..................
U require a lot of patience while reading the book bcs its too complicating but as mystery unfolds its too good to believe..........from my opinion must read especially for those who understand technical stuff ..its got loads of it.............not worth collecting though as u wont wanna read it again....so go read it..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps: if this helps there is something called antimatter existing in real world research is goin on it....its supposed to give free energy but there are many technical controversies regarding it...........