I went into the cinema hall expecting abosolutely nothing outta this movie, becouse somehow this movie never appleaed to me at all, but since I have loads of time in my hand these days I finally saw this flim for 45 bucks at g7 and lemme tell u I aint disspointed.
The Plot: Dharam* paaji* is this former boxer who has been banned for 15 yrs because of doping charges and now has settled in some town in punjab along with his two puttars. He has a dream to see an indian world heavyweight champion, which he wants his son to fulfil for him. Now I wont go into too much detail about the plot, which is best left for you to watch for yourself.
The Perfromances: The scripts suits the 3 deols perfectly, with their "dhai kilo ka haath".Both sunny and bobby give well restrainted performances but somehow dharam paaji bored me. I dont like his acting so as to say. The ladies in the film have nothing much to do except cry and shake a leg here and there, shilpa and katrina fit the bill perfectly along with kiron kher as the punjabi mother.Divya Dutta in another typical role which she has been doing in most of the movies, didnt impress me much.
The Music: I didnt like the music of this movie at all. The songs were typical himess numbers, and the title track comes every now and then to haunt you.
A special mention should go to Chris Anderson who I saw in the titles as the "Boxing Choreographer" because the boxing fights have been shot very well and give somewhat a authentic touch to the movie. The punches have their effect and doesnt seem too much filmy.
Overall a good(maybe a bit too long) family movie with loads of tears and hugs.After all its all about loving your parents they say.