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Member Since:Jul 04, 2007
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Education: Computer Engg
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AT is THE man ! Dev.D ka muzik bajate raho
Reviewed Dev D Songs
Flashback:*When the first time I saw the teaser promo of Dev.D during the interval of Fashion(Personally, it was the best thing that happened to me during thRead more...
Cinema ; just the way i like it !
Reviewed Taare Zameen Par
There are movies and there are movies and then there are ones which make u practically live and feel the experience along with it.This is one among those. TZRead more...
7directors,10stories,25actors and No Sense
Reviewed Dus Kahaniyaan
For the past two weeks I undertook the task of serving the mankind and doing good to the society and consequently the readers of MS too.On every Friday/SaturdRead more...
Yashraj Does It Again !
Reviewed Aaja Nachle
So Maadhuri is back to her "home" and Mr.Anil Mehta decided to make a film out of it.Lets get started with the story part of it : Maadhuri presently livRead more...
Certainly NOT for Yashraj Lovers
Reviewed No Smoking
Please stay away from this movie or even from reviewing this movie, if you liked/loved DHOOM 2 And/Or Veer-Zaara And/Or Tararaarapumpum And/Or Krishh And/Or "Read more...
Brilliant Indian Film Noir Stuff
Reviewed Manorama Six Feet Under
I have watched alot of movies this year and the ride has been quite bumpy considering RGVs flicks, any movie starring Tushhar Kapoor, Yashrajs dumRead more...
Rear Window Ver 2.0
Reviewed Disturbia
First things first , Disturbia is basically a remake of the 1954 Hitchcocks Classic Rear Window , but nonetheless it succeeds to entertain us and finds Read more...
'Bourne' To Be Wild
Reviewed The Bourne Ultimatum
Matt Damon Kicks A#@ ! Yes I had to say this first, coz thats what the whole movie is based upon , he does some serious a@# kicking and he does it with Read more...
Pixar Strikes Gold.....AGAIN !!!
Reviewed Ratatouille
Let me first give my thanks to the poster makers for this movie : I cant imagine how else I would have pronounced it right. Heres it again for theRead more...
Ineptitude at it's Best
Reviewed Rush Hour 3
Q: How desperate can two have-been actors become? A:Â Watch this movie. In this non-sense of a movie, chan and tucker team up again after 6 yrs .This time aRead more...
Enjoy the Frights , Forget the Logic Behind It
Reviewed 1408
SO here comes another horror movie based on a short-story by Stephen King. This time around there is a cynical ghost stories writer ( John Cusack) who has wrRead more...
Alas !!! Hype Prevails
Reviewed Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - J K Rowling
And So it has ended FINALLY.I couldnt think of posting this review without letting out the plot details so anyone who is interested in reading book 7 shRead more...
MY Director's Special
Reviewed Ten Best English Movie Directors
What follows is a list of my favourite Movie Directors, and you may or may not agree with the list but nonetheless this list will provide you a list of Read more...
Not Your Average Crime Thriller(And that's Good)
Reviewed Zodiac Movie
David Fincher(director of Fight Club, Se7en) is back with his 2nd attempt into Crime thriller genere. The movie is based on books authoerd by Robert GraysmitRead more...
Confessions of a lonely soul
Reviewed Notes from the Underground - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
I finished reading this book just few days ago.I found it very thoughtful read.This book consists of two parts. In the first part::UNDERGROUND ;we come acrosRead more...
Raging Deols
Reviewed Apne
I went into the cinema hall expecting abosolutely nothing outta this movie, becouse somehow this movie never appleaed to me at all, but since I have loads of Read more...
Essential Viewing : Food for Your (Empty) Brain
Reviewed A Scanner Darkly Movie
This movie has got to be one of the most thought provoking movies I have ever seen in my life. This slick flick by Richard Linklater stars keanu reeves, robeRead more...
The Review : Live Free or Die Hard AkA Die Hard 4
Reviewed Die Hard 4
Willis is back and How! I was pretty skeptic about this movie at first, but when I saw the reviews and some of friends also had nice things to say about theRead more...
Spidey is a Sissy !
Reviewed Spiderman 3
Saw this non-sense of a movie they call spiderman at adlabs, vashi for 50 bucks and man it aint even worth that. I dont quite remember when wasRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
15)Paayalia(Shruti Phatak): Good song,nicely sung, but my fav part would be the 'by god' touch added to this song.Classic 16)Ranjhana(Shilpa Rao): Another one of the smaller length songs in the album.nice rendition by Shilpa Rao.Rajhasthani touch to it 17)Saali Khushi(AT): Keeping up with t Read More...
Rated on nicefriend_of_u's review
Rated on lilly101's review
Rated on coolntv's review
Rated on Tanaji's review
Rated on angraze's review
Rated on CoolWater's review
@Nik : This definitely is one of the top candidate for movie of the year if not THE movie of the year.
@Ava : Aree go watch it asap , the long streak of senseless movies has finally ended with TZP.
@itika : Don't you ever remind me that aamir did a movie called mela ever again :D I don't know what made him do movies like mela,mangal pandey..... Hope he just keeps on giving us movies like RDB,TZP,DCH over and over again.
@pable : Kho na jaye yeh(hamare jaise) zaaare tameen par :D
@Debrati : I guess great minds do think alike :D Thanks for such a great comment,feels good to be appreciated and as far as movie goes , i also loved those things The way he has showcased day-to-day activities and the bond between bros. And also for once there was no unnecessary evil lying Read More...
Rated on swarajmishra's review
Rated on me_101's review
Rated on GirlNextStore's review
Rated on karana23's review
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Rated on premjit's review
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notorious infamous (@jbz7879MouthShut Verified Member)
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Parag Bawangade (@aditibawangade111MouthShut Verified Member)
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Sunny Bansal (@VIJAY_SALESMouthShut Verified Member)
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VCare Clinic (@VCareMouthShut Verified Member)
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Pranchal Thakur (@pranchaldigital005MouthShut Verified Member)
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KamalHindujaAuthor (@KamalHindujaAuthorMouthShut Verified Member)
Shaikh Adnan Sami (@shaikhadnansami4MouthShut Verified Member)
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Anulika Mishra (@anulikamishra1MouthShut Verified Member)
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