Look we all know that Apple is one of the best mobile manufacturing company but that doesnt mean that it is always better.
1) - The screen is till LCD where many companies like Samsung are using Super AMOLED which is far better than LCD. Though it has wide colour gamut but it still cant match the galaxy S8. And LCD display consumes more battery than Super AMOLED.
2) - Like every time the battery life is not as better as the galaxy S series.
3) - Camera is good and 2x optical focus is very good but low light camera isnt as good as Samsung galaxy S8. IPhone 6s camera in low light is very bad so who are upgrading from 6s will think that the camera is Super but it is not. Because Samsung galaxy S8 camera is best.
4) - Speed and RAM management is super but Samsung galaxy S8 is also so fast. And I dont think that for only the speed anyone will buy this phone.
80% people buy iPhone because of its logo.
I suggest that buy a Samsung galaxy S8 and trust me galaxy S8 is a true smart phone.