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Member Since:May 15, 2017
100 MS Points
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Restaurant or fast food shop?
Reviewed Sanjib Restaurant - Kona Expressway - Howrah
You cant say that it is a restaurant if you go there, infact I will suggest you not to go there if you want to go to a restaurant. Here you only can payRead more...
What is this??????????
Reviewed BB Ki Vines
What will happen if someone just makes fun with cheap language. That isnt fun. Ok, for me that isnt really really really really funny. For me thatRead more...
Box office collection
Reviewed Baahubali 2: The Conclusion
Bahubali 2: The Conclusion is the best movie in India and one of the best in the world. It broke all of the records in India. It collected 1000cr in just eighRead more...
Is it worth it to buy this mobile!!!
Reviewed Apple iPhone 7 Plus 256GB
Look we all know that Apple is one of the best mobile manufacturing company but that doesnt mean that it is always better. 1) - The screen is till LCD Read more...
Is it worth it to buy this mobile
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J2 - 6 (2016 Edition)
We all know that J series is a big success of SAMSUNG. But the J2 2016 version is truly amazing and balanced. 1) - As the screen is Super AMOLED so we can waRead more...
Which one is better
Reviewed Iphone vs Galaxy
I used both the iphone 7 plus and Samsung galaxy S8 plus. And I think. 1) For battery standby iphone is best 2) For battery screen on time iphone is bad andRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
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