Yesterday, I took an online IQ test, with Trickle Inc, and got a score of 131, which they declared as a respectable score, which falls into the top 5 percent of top scores.
Intelligence Quotient, though being defined as a ratio of a person?s intellectual age to his chronological age, what I believe is that it also depends a lot on a person?s upbringing his culture and his social environment.
If a question like the following one is asked in an aptitude test:
Runner: marathon
a.) envoy: embassy
b.) Martyr: massacre
c.) Oarsmen: regatta
d.) Referee: tournament
e.) Horse: stable
The correct answer for this is C, and is more likely to be answered correctly by the upper class children (predominantly white) because they are more inclined to know the definition of regatta.
Many different factors, such as where you grow up, what kind of school you attend, and how much school you attend contribute substantially to the development of intelligences. However, it is yet not very clear me what those factors are, or how they work. And, now it is widely agreed that IQ tests do not accurately reflect all forms of intelligence.
Obviously, cultural knowledge, creativity, wisdom, common sense and social sensitivity though not measured in IQ tests; certainly contribute to a person?s intelligence.
As per my understanding, experience and environment influence a lot of a person?s intelligence ? and that intelligence is the composite of many different talents and abilities which continue to improve over time.