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Member Since:Jul 14, 2005
0 MS Points
What's my story? I am a software employee who is currently a student so I can become a Computer scientist, use the fame generated by being the first person to start an organisation in Silicon Valley which will deal with creation of 3G (or may be 4G or 5G whatever is to come next )computers which breathes on Operating Systems built up on artificial intelligelence and Neural networks. , then become seduced by power until my blind ambitions to rule the world are thwarted by a beautiful woman who will change me for the better, so that I will give it all up to start a chain of NGO's in India and Africa with her. For now however I Blog so as to stamp out ignorance in the world and to shed light upon the dark corners of your minds. Visit my blog at :- http://tripathidharmesh.blogspot.com . And readers your comments will be always appreciated , so please do write something... Reading, surfing, chatting with da friends, blogging, muziq - it makes my world go round ...
About Me
Education: B.E comp sci
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Varanasi : The holi city of hindus
Reviewed Varanasi
Varanasi, also famously known as Kashi among Hindus, is most popular pilgrimage point for the Hindus. Varanasi has been named so beacuse the city in ancient Read more...
IQ tests for Colleges, jobs are de fair measure?
Reviewed Applying to a College Abroad
Yesterday, I took an online IQ test, with Trickle Inc, and got a score of 131, which they declared as a respectable score, which falls into the top 5 percent Read more...
SnowPlanet - The Skiing Center , Auckland .
Reviewed Skiing
I had been to SNOW PLANET , the skiing center located at Silverdale, Albany, near Auckland, this weekend, along with my Kiwi office mates, Well it’s waRead more...
Bangalore hang-outs
Reviewed Bangalore Bistro - Cunningham Road - Bangalore
Some discoveries , I made in Bangalore , which I would like to share with all the readers at M.S. Cosmo Village - A lounge bar. My first visit. Heard quite aRead more...
A hot review for MS Readers
Reviewed Rating Reviews on MouthShut
I thought this could be a hot and burning topic to put as a review on MS as we see this concerned topic of review, in our day - to - day life on MS. Yep, bulRead more...
Reviewed Five Point Someone - Chetan Bhagat
Umm well I can’t really figure out what audience Chetan had in mind when inking this book. The book has little to do with iit or to put in a better way;Read more...
Lal Meri Pat... by Pakistani band JUNOON
Reviewed Junoon Songs
This review speaks about one of the songs by the Paksitani Rock band Junoon. Junoon - The internationally acclaimed South Asian rock band. The band that playRead more...
Some good side of Kiwi ppl
Reviewed Queenstown
I have been here in Kiwi Land for a week now, and my organisation has send me here for some work at the vodafone location in Aucklnad, New Zealand. I am stayiRead more...
My stay in NZ
Reviewed Auckland
I consider my appearance quite unremarkable. Im 5 feet 8 inches, 150 pounds, fresh-faced and comfortably trendy - hardly, in my view, a look that shouldRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on soniya's review
TG has a varied price range. it is difficult to judge and compare by your review. with other brands based on price vs quality
Commented on own review
hi sachin !! thanks for your comment !! i think you have a very beautiful hometown. TC and bye
Commented on shailu3012's review
may be you should fly in business class then... most of the airways these days treat eco.. clas and Y class passengers like this , even if they carry a slight extra weight. May be because the volume of international travellers has increased in the sub continent. Take care bro!!
Followed moviezombie
Commented on amrita's review
I totally diagrree with your revu about ICICI , moreover it looks to biased whatever you have writen here. Opening and account has been such a easy process , once you fillup an online form on the icici web the executive comes to your doorstep to collect the documents . and if the bank ask for docu Read More...
Followed riyaa_87
Followed Diptikamath
Commented on Diptikamath's review
Really impresssive Revu Bro!!! Its all fact , what u have written . though am not a model like u are ( Plzz don't go on my looks my frenz say i look like 1 ;-0 ) I too have many Paki frenzz on the net .they are really fellows.) and to tell u the truth i have here in auckland for almost 9 moth Read More...
Thanks for your comments . It was nice to hear from you.
... am not only talking about the Tickle test, but one of the most respected Tests Like CAT of IIMS and GRE for USA also fall into similar lines... than q for the cooment anyways wud like to hear form from you cheers!! dharmesh
Followed MadzNo.1Fan
Followed pearlgirl
Followed Blue_angel
Commented on rrsarika's review
Hi , I read this book may be 2 years back , and more or less my experience was quite similar to yours... Nice review . Cheers!! Dharmesh
Commented on chandni.'s review
hey chandni, why moonlight , moon would suit more better ? After Reading this review and comments , all i was doing was just laughing ...( mind ,well i was in my office ..my colleagues might have thought i have gone crazy..) I hope , your boy friend does'nt have any of these , and if you Read More...
Commented on Bhavna's review
hi there , I m sorry if i said anything wrong , i dint mean it in the wrong way..
Rated on Bhavna's review
Hi Bhavna , Your reviews are definitely Spicy and Full of MASALAs, but not at all pragmatic.. ( no personal offense meant and no personal cross-firings , please don't take it in the wrong way). I mean , that Mangal Pandey , as a chapter in history we all know it , and also the facts (which u Read More...
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Merry Brams (@viola42MouthShut Verified Member)
Carol Svamvour (@wildcitywomanMouthShut Verified Member)
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Pooja Hiranandani (@violaMouthShut Verified Member)
Sona Anos (@SonaAnosMouthShut Verified Member)
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Swapnil Shinde (@Lodha_GroupMouthShut Verified Member)
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Dr Prashant Joshi (@drjoshic9MouthShut Verified Member)
VCare Clinic (@VCareMouthShut Verified Member)
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Rajiv E (@rajiv22MouthShut Verified Member)
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Khairul Mallick (@KhairulMMouthShut Verified Member)
Heart Broker (@03214594697mrMouthShut Verified Member)
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Nirant Dekate (@noddy989MouthShut Verified Member)
Shriya rastogi (@shriyajaspercolinMouthShut Verified Member)
Prabhavathi Avirneni (@PrabhavathiAvirnenMouthShut Verified Member)
Gaurav Khurana (@gaurav1351MouthShut Verified Member)