Heres a dilemma. Youre driving on Ixx, Highwayxx, etc and your hungry. Where do you stop? Probably, along with millions of other drivers and starving folks, at Mickey Ds, Arbys, Wendys, or even if youre going out for dinner- Applebees, Fridays, Ruby Tuesday, or Friendlys.
I feel your pain as I too have made my stops at the aforementioned. Dont get me wrong, I love those last four. well then again love is such a strong word.tolerate is more like it. The wait is long, the wait for the wait staff is long, the service is ok at best, and waiting 30-45 minutes for your meal is not unusual. The prices dont help either. So whats the other option?
DINERS! Yes, those Mom and Pop Diners that are handed down to kith and kin are still there! Corporate America has not close every single one down, thank the Gods! Diners offer a more cozy atmosphere(not small, just not cookie cutter design and architecture - yes Im talking about McDonalds), friendly staff that are patient and prompt with service, and the prices are reasonable.
Example: International House of Pancakes(IHOP) vs. Parkway Brothers Diner(both located in upstate New York)
Meal: Two eggs, coffee, toast, homestyle fries.
Waitresses: Jennifer from IHOP was much to busy to suggest and recommend or give us options, while Lisa at Parkway was friendly, suggested great side items, and prompt with refills for the coffee.
Time meal took to arrive: IHOP 35 minutes, Parkway 10 minutes.
Price(without tip): IHOP$8.95(coffee alone was$1.95!), Parkway$3.95
Note: its not just IHOP, the same thing happens at Dennys, Fridays, etc. Your diner is for you and the community, not for some corporate executive to market some toy connected to a movie(yes, Im talking about Happy Meals). So support your local entrepeneurs and go to a diner and come back satisfied!