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New York
Member Since:Apr 14, 2002
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Undergraduate for the last 4 years!!!!. Currently listening to U2, Nelly Furtado, Lucinda Williams, The Dixie Chicks, Sheryl Crow, the Strokes, the Hives, TrustCompany, Foo Fighters, Good Charlotte, Linkin Park, Fatboy Slim and System of a Down.
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Education: College Till They Kick Me Out
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You'll be missing a great movie if you don't watc
Reviewed The Missing
Just when you thought westerns were dead and therell never be another good one like Clint Eastwoods UNFORGIVEN, Ron Howard rolls out THE MISSING. Read more...
Freshman in college. Step 1: club/bar/party
Reviewed Dressing out for a Pub
Youre in college, away from home, around 18, trying to make pals, and a couple of older students who live down the hall from you invite you over to the Read more...
Hello film noir caper
Reviewed Confidence
Just when you thought movies like The Sting and other capers would never make it to Hollywood of this generation... You were wrong! This movie is like Edward Read more...
Ah Mrs. Dalloway, buy the flowers already!
Reviewed Mrs. Dalloway - Virginia Woolf
Mrs. Dalloway by the quintessential woman writer of the last century is about a woman trying to buy flowers for her party. The books dives headfirst into the Read more...
Just when you thought your boss was a pain...
Reviewed Secretary
Maggie Gyllenhaals character has just left an institution. She comes home to find that her mother has locked all the knives. Her father is James Woods pRead more...
Feast for yer eyes
Reviewed One Hour Photo
I watched this movie as soon as the DVD came out. The Charlie Rose interview with Robin Williams and the director was probably one of the most hilarious thingRead more...
Places to visit and avoid in South Kerala
Reviewed Kerala - General
I spent a my year away from college in Kerala with my Ammachi (grandma) so heres some experiences Id like to share with you. I mainly stayed in thRead more...
Viewcam Facts and what to know when buying a cam
Reviewed Sharp VL-E610U
The basics of a video camera purchase. Sharp Viewcam EL-600U is the actually model number, but all viewcams have the same basic design, besides the model I hRead more...
The actor makes a great film better.
Reviewed Five Best Hollywood Actors
Criteria: Believable and Memorable Character Portrayal, Easy on the Eyes, Ability to Create and Manage Screen Repertoire with Leading Lady, Currently Acting. Read more...
Definitely not a fast food place!
Reviewed TGI Fridays - Chandni Chowk - Delhi
Grab the amigos, were going to Fridays! Day of the week attending restaurant: Friday. I know, sometimes I have to restrain myself from hitting myRead more...
There are some gems, then there are the coals
Reviewed General Tips on visiting a Shopping Mall
Advice on visiting a shopping mall . you must be desperate if youre reading a total strangers view of shopping. but wait. I am enlightened after mRead more...
I hope you give them a try
Reviewed 5 Best Books
In no apparent order here are 5 books everyone should try to read: 1) The God of Small Things - Incredible story of the bond between a sister and a brother, Read more...
First Track describes it perfectly: Hella Good
Reviewed Rock Steady - No Doubt
They broke unto the mainstream MTV audience with Tragic Kingdom, now No Doubt releases its third album since hitting the big time and announces its hereRead more...
Everyone Needs Love...Even Maniacs
Reviewed Punch Drunk Love
If you are or arent an Adam Sandler fan, go see this film. He has captivated many a pre teen boy, but now hes grown along with them and is now theRead more...
Diners Vs Restaurant Chains
Reviewed Are Chain Restaurants Successful
Heres a dilemma. Youre driving on Ixx, Highwayxx, etc and your hungry. Where do you stop? Probably, along with millions of other drivers and starvRead more...
Hidden Treasure of Radio Revealed!
Reviewed Five Best Radio Programs
5 Best Radio Programs(Heard in the USA or online) This American Life presented by Ira Glass. Weekly hour shows that explores the randomness and spontaneity oRead more...
What Any Music Lover Dreams Of..Real Talent!
Reviewed Come Away With Me - Norah Jones
There it was. Norah Jones- Come Away With Me. It was a risk- a young new artist that debuts without Hollywood calling her the next J-Lo, but is acclaimed by mRead more...
Kuwait Airways... Sure beats flying Air India!
Reviewed Kuwait Airways
I flew KA economy class December 2001 and January 2002, so fairly recently was my experience. The departure started in JFK (in New York) and of course the serRead more...
Riding In Cars...Yeah I Was Annoyed
Reviewed Riding in Cars with Boys
So there I was in the middle of nowhere, aka upstate NY, driving with a pal at midnight, and what do we see. The flourescent lights of Ye Ole Multiplex. Why dRead more...
For Those Who Analyze the Past
Reviewed Anil's Ghost - Michael Ondaatje
A fan of select Indian authors, I picked up Anils Ghost because it said an Indian name. After reading the jacket cover, the discovery that Ondaatje wrotRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Hi, thanks for reading this mess- I can't help how it's formatted because these and other reviews I right are mouthpad submitted. So I can't help it if TPTB ignore my flair of formatting for a simple paragraph. And what happened to the edit option?
Commented on Jayboo_7's review
I'm glad that you wrote about Cho's stand up film. She's not an observer, in the Seinfeldian sense, but an active in your face participant. The woman can stretch her face into oblivion. I love her impressions of her mother....HEEELAAAARRRREEEEous
I don't think Pt Ravi Shankar has played any type of father figure role to Norah Jones. She has been playing clubs in NYC for a number of years and now she has 5 more grammy's than her father or his prodigy daughter Anoushka. While it does say that Norah Jones is Anoushka's sister on AS's site, the Read More...
I was wondering why I was getting comments so long after I wrote the review. Hm review of the day is good and I'm glad to support the wonderful talented Norah Jones. If you like the singers I mentioned, Etta James, Joni Mitchellesque maturity, buy Come Away With Me. 'Don't know why' is not the best Read More...
ohman. Madonna is a horrible actress and I loved how you described that tersely here. I do disagree about Halle Berry, but I'm just mesmerized by her beauty, blinding me from her flaws as an actress. She was terrific in Bulworth, playing a stereotypical brash in your face black woman...go figure. - Read More...
Commented on tech-writer's review
you forgot to include that women who are still in menstrating age cannot attend/enter Sabrimala. Thanks for the history and link. _linda
That list would work, but I wanted these actors to be the ones people gloss over. Hanks, Eastwood, Ford all great actors but everyone already knows that, so what's the fun in naming them? By the way, I think Eastwood, Robert Redford (both in their younger less craglier days) and Harrison Ford are th Read More...
The funny thing is I actually wanted to be an English major (I'm a business management major thinking about accounting now) but the only good stories I tell are about my grandma and I think she even gets bored by them now. Oh and my passion for switching tenses midsentence never ends. Linda
Thanks for the recommendations- none of which I have read, but I stand by my choice of the God of Small Things because it's actually my favorite of all of them. Linda
What's wrong with the other 4? I understand they're not big box office names, but I personally don't think a big paycheck means talent or great looks... ie Julia Roberts. She gets 20 Million yet there are 100 better looking and more talented actresses than her... who plays herself in every role.
Commented on fats0's review
I appreciate the guy's view also. But the smell, the sting, the wierd shades of red your skin turns... you either had the best experience with Nair I've ever heard of or the love for your gf has made you lose all sense of reality. -linda
Commented on Cousin2's review
I agree with you on all the points you brought up. It takes a long time for ms to move along, but heck I've been seeing that 'write a review for Domino's' for over 2 months now. ah we write for the love of writing and sharing. -linda
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