I am bewildered by the negative feedbacks given for this amazing authentic Chinese Restaurant in Andheri W - Mumbai.
I was born and brought up in Taiwan, I have lived off Chinese Food, for 17 years, till I moved here. The only restaurant close to serving anything close to the real Chinese food, is Kamling in ChurchGate.
Till I ofcourse discovered Aromas of China. This place is abuzz with people waiting for nearly 2 hours to get a place. This itselfs proves the popularity of the Restaurant. Infact, I have been 4 times already in the past 3 weeks, with 4 different group of overseas clients, from coutnries like Dubai, Kuwait, Malaysia, and Ireland. They were amazed at the food.
The buffet spread is amazing. From Salads, to Starters, to the Lunch is simply amazing. The quality of food is awesome. The place serves Crabs, Prawns, and Pork Chops. I have never seen that anywhere so far. It costs Rs. 275 on Weekdays. It is surely a Bargain.
The only thing that may be a negative about this place, is the service, for which I sometimes, dont blame them. They are flooded with guests at all times. It runs on a 150% capacity, with over 40 people waiting to get it, at any given time.
I would urge the negative feedbackers to go back and try the food again. I am sure the minds will change.