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Member Since:Mar 02, 2002
0 MS Points
. Music - Rock, Snooker, Reading, Working, Traveling
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Education: Graduate
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One of the best business phones from NOKIA
Reviewed Nokia E65
Nokia - E65. One of the best phones I have used till date from the giant co. NOKIA. I have been using this phone since 2 weeks, not and my judgement on this pRead more...
A True Chinese Restaurant
Reviewed Aromas of China - Brigade Road - Bangalore
I am bewildered by the negative feedbacks given for this amazing authentic Chinese Restaurant in Andheri W - Mumbai. I was born and brought up in Taiwan, I hRead more...
Not for the Kazaa and Imesh Downloaders
Reviewed Sify Broadband Internet Connection
As the title suggests, Sfy Broadband, is not for the MP3, Movies, etc ... downloaders. Sify Broadband, is for the Internet user, who wishes to log on to the Read more...
AXN - A sureshot adventure
Reviewed Hot n Wild
Hi folks, I am back to MS after a gap of 1.5 years, and now I am here for good. So, excuse my writing, for a couple of days, till I get the hang of it again. Read more...
KFC - The best Chicken ever
Reviewed KFC - Hill Road - Bandra - Mumbai
I would surely rate KFC as the best Fast Food Chain around. It is not in India, at the moment, but, I do hope that very soon, it should be in India soon, specRead more...
One sided Opinioned by MS Writers - I STRONGLY DI
Reviewed Ebay
This is My Opinion and My Experience with BAAZEE.COM Baazee.com it is not so BAD, as it is made out to be here in MS. It is THE site for Buyers and Sellers tRead more...
Overall a Very Good Product
Reviewed Nokia 9110
I have used Nokia 9110 Communicator for around 1 year, and I must say it was good. Recently I have purchased the latest Nokia 9210 Communicatior, which by farRead more...
Sucks when it is down. Average when it is up
Reviewed Dishnet DSL
I have been using Dishnet DSL for the past 1 year now, overall they are BAD !!! Lets start fromt he begining, when I heard of this service, I called thRead more...
Nice Decor, Good Food, Best Price
Reviewed Float - Nehru Place - Delhi
Being a regular at Floats, ofcourse, I will praise it, but, at the same I will also point out somethings which they should do to improve the standard of this Read more...
I do not like it, but appreciate it
Reviewed Kamzor Kadi Kaun
I applaud to the Star team and people behind this daring Game Show. I do not like the show, as I find it really motonous and boring, but, to get this type of Read more...
Better than other dial-ups
Reviewed VSNL Dial Up
VSNL - I have been using their service since I can remember doing something on the WWW. They are surely the best among the other Dial Ups. I have used almost Read more...
Best it has ever produced
Reviewed Nokia 7650
Nokia, is a household name, no doubt about it. I have been using Nokia phones since the first nokia came to India. It is simply the bet, user friendly and if Read more...
All lines in this route are busy please dial afte
Reviewed Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd
Gosh ... I have heard this numerous times, it is the worst. Being brought up overseas, I have never come accross such useless service, ever. It is a no choiceRead more...
2nd Best Chatting Module
Reviewed Yahoo Messenger
Yahoo Messenger Latest version is 5.0 + I say it is good but, not the best. Yahoo Messenger new version offers some utilities like screensavers while chattingRead more...
A Must for a secure Future
Reviewed Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance
I have to admit that Sun Life who have tied up with Birla in India is the best Life Insurance possible. I am associated with Sun Life since my childhood, befoRead more...
A Good Bargain mixed with Good Quality
Reviewed Peter England
A very wide choice of garments, the best Shirts seen for the value of money it offers. Surely, recommend people to check it out before purchasing others. The Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on Mel4U's review
Rated on Devv_Paul's review
Commented on own review
I have given a review, on the one in Mumbai. It is excellent. After all, people go to restaurant for FOOD, and if that is GOOD, we can compromise on other issues slightly. Never been to the Bangalore restaurant, but, will surely visit once I am there again.
You are right the service is not too great. As for the place size .... it is the biggest I have seen so far.
You are right, it sucked, actually i m back to ms after a gap of 1.5 years, i will try my best to do better .. till then .. cheers
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Rated on vivekchoudhary's review
Rated on kishore's review
Rated on amrita's review
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Rated on anagpal75's review
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