Well, to start of, this is the third film Ive seen of Jack Nickolson and one of his three Oscar winners. For me, star power matters a lot in a movie. They sell it and I buy it. Well, even though some people think that he has evilish looks, Nickolson rocks !!
To start when I saw the film, I didnt know what it was about at all. And Im writing this review for people who wanna watch it. The story is simple. Jack Nickolson( One flew over the cuckoos nest, A Few Good Men, Batman) is this man aged around 55-60 whos a professional writer and lives all alone. He has this thing about being very tidy and particular about all the things in his life, his timings, food, and even things like clothes and hair. He is essentially, as the title suggests as good as it gets. Helen Hunt(What Women Want, TV seriesMad About You) is a simple waitress with a son.
The second story shown in this movie is Nickolsons gay neighbour. I dont remember his name but hes performed well too. Cuba Gooding Jr. has a short appearance but makes his presence felt as always. The movie revolves around these three main characters and the director has given an excellent touch to a different type of romantic comedy.
The performance in this movie apeak the most, direction is also good. It would be unfair to write anything more about the movie, so just go and watch it!