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Member Since:Dec 28, 2003
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Education: HSC
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My Alto CNG Review
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Alto LX CNG
My Alto CNG Review: This is a Alto Lxi CNG thread and I wonder why people are writing about the petrol and the K10 variants. This is the 1st and totally biasRead more...
Boldly Sensitive
Reviewed The Last Temptation of Christ
Living in India, its difficult to find a copy of this movie, since its rare, not for the average filmgoer and was banned at time of its release in AmeriRead more...
Highly Recommended
Reviewed The Ghost and the Darkness
Dear all, If you have heard of this film, and youve not seen it as yet, if you have then your as lucky as me and if youve not heard of itat all, Read more...
Jackie all the way !
Reviewed As Good As It Gets
Well, to start of, this is the third film Ive seen of Jack Nickolson and one of his three Oscar winners. For me, star power matters a lot in a movie. ThRead more...
Too good-but too lenghty
Reviewed Gangs Of New York
When you know that Martin Scorsese has just made a film, you probably jump out, grab your coat and are set out to watch it. Well, I tried the same, but got toRead more...
Good ol' Bandits?
Reviewed Bandits
When you go to watch a film which has Hollywood greats like Bruce Willis,Cate Blanchett and Billy Bob Thornton, what do you expect? Well, something like a greRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
wow Pushkaraj!! That is unheard of in today's market. Did your FE increase post 3/4th service? And pls share any tips for the car maintainance or care..
Hi countme91. Yes, CNG takes up all the boot space, but in case 2 ppl r travelling, you can drop the back seat and store the luggage. As i mentioned, its more of a city car for daily travel which will cut your fuel bills by 1/3rd every month!! CHEERS !
Rated on milinddesai's review
Rated on mskmsk100's review
Rated on aryarakesh's review
Commented on pramod_nair_t's review
Hey, Pramod, I was in a similar situation while using the aqua nova. But I later changed to the Zero B Pristine. It's technologically advanced as well as gives me the purest water. It even has a outlet for the dirty water to pass from, which the aqua nova does not. In the latter case, we're ac Read More...
Rated on sai210's review
Commented on bellyfire's review
where is the 'product' name?? It would be kindof you to do the same at the earliest.
Commented on BoomShum's review
I think that the Zero B rocks!! No doubt it's high priced but it gives you the purest form of water. The Prestine has the RO technology which is the answer to all Aquagurad problems. So you know what to do when you think about purchasing the right purifier.
Commented on milinddesai's review
Dude, This is the most brilliant movie ever made in Indian Cinema. I totally agree with you on your review and just feel you should have given a little more information. I'll be writing one soon on the film, so plz be there to point out my mistakes! Cheers -RAJ
Commented on sipu77's review
Dude, All I can say is that GET A LIFE !!
Rated on humptydumpty's review
Commented on humptydumpty's review
Dude, Your review is only one para. Get some more stuff on.PPl who wanna watch this film at least need some more substance man.
Commented on srinivasan's review
Dude, Films are not about a feel good factor. Here we're talking about the best freaking 10 films of all time. Apart from Godfather and maybe T2 others are strickly good. There's always been a difference between an amazing film and a brilliant film. Your review doesn't even convey why exactl Read More...
Rated on dwingramki's review
Rated on tarantinofan's review
Rated on skicorp's review
Commented on Bhavna's review
Thx for these, really helps during a party and stuff. read some of my reviews too. -RAJ
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