Do have a question to be answered? is a site where “experts” can offer to answer any of your questions for free.
This is how it works. The site has various categories ranging from Business to Education to Technology to Entertainment etc. A person can sign up as an “expert” in any of the categories. If you have question that needs to be answered you first have to sign up with the site as a member. As a member you can browse through the various categories. Once you find a category that covers your query, you click on the ‘ask me a question’. This leads you to a page where you can type in your question (you can ask more than one) and then press the send button. You can ask the question anonymously if you’d like. Once an expert reads your question and has an answer, you are notified about your answers by email and you login into your member area. It is similar to an Email inbox. Your member area has a simple interface that allows you to check the answer. Depending on the category you could get answers from several experts. From my own personal experiences I have received answers from several experts in the in field of web designing, business and history. In many ways this site functions like Answers can be rated and be commented upon. You can also visit the profile page of the experts. To make things easier you can designate category or an expert as your favourite. This way you don’t have to browse through categories and subcategories to get to the categories that you visit most often. Remember, that anyone can sign up as an expert. So the expertise may differ from expert to expert. I once asked a question on American history and an expert replied asking me to key in search words in a search engine. This did not disappoint me though since I received answers from several other experts. One expert sent me an overview of a particular event(The battle of The Alamo) Another sent me detailed information and even sent me follow-up information a few days later. The speed of responses to your questions could vary. I have received responses in minutes as well as over a period of a two or three days.
You can choose to stop receiving answers once you are satisfied. You can also choose the period for which your question can remain for experts to read. While you can get great answers in quality and quantity, when asking questions related to business or law, one must note that the experts may not be from your native country. Questions related to history or web page designing are neutral. My questions related to legal issues and company law were answered but they weren’t satisfactory. So please mention your nationality when you ask questions on categories that require a more specialised approach. Incases like these your can questions can be basic For example” What are the points that I should keep in mind when starting a firm of my own?” or “How do write a business plan?” and so on. Don’t feel shy about asking the most basic of questions. When you type in the you are taken to the a page that has a square on the bottom right Which in turn has a link “visit the site”. Click on this and you are ready to ask. The site is simple to navigate. The service is quick and of good quality. The web pages are slow to load. Painfully slow sometimes. In conclusion I would say this is a very helpful site, it has helped me satisfactorily on almost all occasions.
Please note that I have written this as a result of my experiences using this site with queries related to web designing, history and business. There is a multitude of categories on this site and your experiences might be different. Check it for yourself. Enjoy!