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Member Since:Apr 24, 2002
0 MS Points
love to laugh, love to learn new things, i joined mouthshut.com to write stuff but the real reason i joined was to interact with people. why do i like to interact with people? read the first line of the about me section. i love recieving mails from new people, so pls m2m me whoever you are or mail me at the other email address above. The Photo? That was taken during a rehearsal for a play..but what you see is not part of the play. Its my attempt to dance seductively.If you'd like to see it send me a cheque. . creativity, theatre, laughing,
About Me
Education: graduate
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For those with rock in their heads.
Reviewed The Rock Street Journal
Rock Street Journal. This is one of the first magazines in Bombay to cover music and specifically rock music. From the beginning this magazine has stayed awayRead more...
Reach for the stars
Reviewed October Sky
Imagine this. You are born in a town where everyone earns a living by being part of the same industry. You could be born in a fisher-folk community; you couldRead more...
Dont try this out!
Reviewed Sansui MICRO 1575
The Sansui micro 1575 HI there, this is my first attempt to review a music system. I am no expert and the following is a layperson’s (me) thoughts and Read more...
Gifts I’d like to receive
Reviewed Five Gifts You Would Like to Receive
The inspiration for this article came after reading Cousin2s article5+ 5 under theFive Gifts You Would Like To Recieve Category Read more...
The Devil''s Advocate
Reviewed The Devil's Advocate
Hi people this is an unedited review I wrote as part of my an assignment for college some years ago. I am curious to know what all would have to say about thiRead more...
Five of my favourite reviews
Reviewed Five Best Reviews on MouthShut
Now that you know what this review is all about… In random order…. The Supreme Being spookaay Remains In Your Thoughts(About book Remains Of ThRead more...
Thums down
Reviewed General Tips on TV Advertisements
What kind of ad would sell a product? Hmmm lets see. First we have to identify who the target is. Then we write the copy so that it suits that target.(Copy isRead more...
To TOI or not to TOI
Reviewed Bennett Coleman & Co. Ltd (Times)
This article consists of the conclusions I have come to after my personal observation of the Times Of India group. I have made these based on my direct and inRead more...
Brother can you spare a click?
Reviewed Thehungersite
Brother can you spare a click? This site allows you donate food just by clicking on a button and without giving a paisa, cent or centime as the case may be. TRead more...
Have question, will answer.
Reviewed Askmecorp
Do have a question to be answered? Askmecorp.com is a site where “experts” can offer to answer any of your questions for free. This is how it worRead more...
Free books online
Reviewed Freebooks5000
Freebooks5000.com This site allows you to download 5000 literary classics for free .You can choose from a variety of titles and categories. All books downloadRead more...
Easy to read,exciting ideas
Reviewed Road Ahead, The - Bill Gates
Okay first of all forget about how much you may hate Bill Gates or how much you know of him. Go back to the times when he was liked a lot better. The book isRead more...
Richard Bach's Bridge Across Forever
Reviewed Bridge Across Forever, The - Richard Bach
This Book causes my blood pressure to rise but I love it. Title: Bridge Across Forever Author: Richard Bach (One, Jonathan Livingstone Seagull) Recommended fRead more...
Rave, My Fave Entertainment Magazine
Reviewed Rave Bollywood Magazine
Rave. Thats the name of the magazine. When I first heard of it I thought of the obvious things associated with the word Rave. ThRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on howler's review
hey nice information. do wtach out for your grammar. take care
Rated on Bokky's review
Rated on arunroy's review
Rated on ashish_thakkar's review
Commented on ashish_thakkar's review
Hey Ashish, Nice review. just few points tough. yes, how come he didnt mentione th size but you know as a whole the comercial works because the key purpose (in my opinion) is to set the 30 mins or free deal in the minds of the consumer. I feel it acheives that. About the coke, there is a fr Read More...
Commented on manoj101's review
Hi Manoj, Enjoyed your letter. loved the humour as well as the serious points you made. Take a little care about your grammer brother. Keep on writing Shaun
Rated on manoj101's review
Commented on atlantis1024's review
Hi there nice review. however whenevr you liek something try to give more reasosn about why you may like something. thats what helps others understand more about the product. Keep on writing Shaun
Rated on emanik's review
Rated on nathan's review
Commented on man425's review
Wow this was great. Thanks for all the info. youve made some excellent warnings and point withrespect to how the relationship advisor makes money. Keep on writing
Rated on man425's review
Commented on imaxcare's review
Hey there, very interesting article. You made a great point about Wipro and Infosys. Watch out for your grammer tough. Thanks for the warnings. I think you should also mention that each customer gets a relaitionship advisor, at least thats what they told me when i enquired . Thanks Again. Keep on Read More...
Rated on imaxcare's review
Commented on kamaljit's review
Hi there, nice review but it would reallly help if you wrote more about the book. it may sounds strange but the information you gave would describe almost any Psycho Thriller book and agatha christie is something more special than that. the book . Maybe you could talk about the characters, how s Read More...
Rated on vadige's review
Commented on tarantinofan's review
hey this isa great review. i was floored byt your style in writing this. the two character thing is great. not only is it fresh but more importantly gives other viewpoints. keep on writing.
Rated on tarantinofan's review
Commented on j_jayashri's review
hey, great review. Hmmm i liked the ad too. good ad but is it going to make anyone buy the product? if not then maybe its not a such a good ad. maybe its just aesthetics. im rambling. sorry. keep on writing shaun
Rated on j_jayashri's review
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