I consider my appearance quite unremarkable. Im 5 feet 8 inches, 150 pounds, fresh-faced and comfortably trendy - hardly, in my view, a look that should draw stares ; ) . Still, the brown colour of my skin, that I wear makes me feel as if I am under a microscope.
I try to go to the gym just about every morning. But, people stare - just as they do on the streets of auckland.
The other day, though, I felt more self-conscious than usual. Every television in the gym highlighted some aspect of Australias conflict with the outscourcing jobs : the call centers and the software companies in India, allegations that indian techies working at low wages are taking away the local jobs of Kiwis and kangaroos.Though statistics have proved that the outscourcing has helped both the countries to grow economically.
The stares just intensified my alienation as an indian in what is supposed to be a nation of educated and liberal people. I was not sure if the blood rushing to my head was caused by the elliptical trainer or by the news coverage.
Frustrated and angry, I moved to another part of the gym. I got on a treadmill and started running as hard as I could. As sweat dripped down my face, I reached for my towel, accidentally dropping my keys in the process. It was a small thing, I know, but as they slid down the rolling belt and fell to the carpet, my faith in the Australia-new Zealand seemed to fall with them. I did not care to pick them up. I wanted to keep running.