Avengers infinity war is best movie in avengers series.It is the worthy movie till ever in avengers series. The making cost of this movie is aproximetely one billion.The making time of this movie is 2 years and 3 month. But on the other hand the director make it a sespencel movies to get credit from fans. So that marvel fans give love to the upcoming part of avenger series . It was a family and social movie also. The director shows that how thanos kill her daughter to stable the entire world. The interesting thing is that spider man was signed in the movie at the last stage.There was no role of spider man in the script. The whole avengers are shown to be togther.but the role of all avengers was different and cut off on the different days. There are three new charecters added ine the movie.The role of those three characters was not special . They were added because the are in the main role of next avenger movie.The date of next part of avengers is 2021.If we talk about starlord.he become villen for public .but we have to thankfull To Star Lord because we can see avengers 4 because of him.By the way it was scripted.Thank you gyzz if you like my review plzz like and rate my review.