I wanted to maintain a youthful appearance as I aged so I checked with my favorite AVON lady and she gave me samples of a fabulous product which I have been using ever since. AVON Hydrofirming Day Cream SPF 15 is a dynamic moisturizing product which keeps me looking fine!!
Do you have tiny lines and wrinkles around your eyes and mouth? These lines can give one an appearance of being older than you actually are. The laugh lines, as they are humorously referred to, are not so funny as we age. The tiny crows feet around my eyes just had to go!! What I have found in the past several months of continuous use of AVON Hydrofirming Day Cream SPF 15 is a new and improved youthful appearance.
This is the perfect product for people of all ages. Who says that men dont want to reduce their fine lines and wrinkles?! I highly recommend it to men and women seeking a product which adds moisture to the skin giving the skin added elasticity.
This product also protects against the damaging effects of the sun. It contains SPF 15, an added plus. SPF 15 shields the faces delicate skin from the harmful drying effects of the sun. Unlike some moisturizers that contain a sunscreen, this product is not heavy! It feels smooth to the touch, light and creamy.
After a week or two of using AVON Hydrofirming Day Cream SPF 15 there was a noticeable improvement in the appearance of my skin. It was resilient!! It was glowing!! I looked younger!! These dramatic results can be yours too, for the low, low price of just under $15.00. A small jar can last for close to a month. Rather than spend my hard earned money on high priced designer moisturizers, I prefer this long-lasting, quality moisturizer sold by AVON.
This product is so simple to use, too. After washing your face with a gentle cleanser, simply apply this mildly scented cream on your face in an upward motion. We all know the effects of gravity on aging skin: sag, sag, sag!! By using upward and outward strokes, as opposed to downward application, we are defying the laws of gravity!! This aids in the drastic youthful appearance you will ultimately achieve.
By using AVON Hydrofirming Day Cream SPF 15 on a daily basis you will see immediate positive results. I would also recommend using AVON Hydrofirming Cream Night Treatment for a total overhaul of your skin.