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New York
Member Since:Mar 18, 2001
0 MS Points
.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. Thanks to all who have been trusting and reading me! ((HUGS)) <b>I will be away for few weeks. Candace is having another surgery.</b> I am a young retiree from the US Postal Service. Originally from Queens, New York, I am now a city gal learning to become a country gal. .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. . Hi! <b>I am Mimi</b>, loving wife, mother of one teenage boy and two grown up daughters. I'm also the grandmother to 2 baby granddaughters. My oldest grandchild was born with a rare birthmark called <b>Giant Congenital Hairy Nevus</b>.... for more info: <b>http://www.nevusnetwork.org</b> <b>Read my MS review here: http://www.mouthshut.com/readreview/40509-1.html</b> .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. Reading inspirational novels, like A CHILD CALLED IT by David Peltzer and anything by James Patterson are two of my favorite literary escapes. Writing helpful and informative reviews/essays and sharing knowledge are why I spend so much time on the internet. .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. I enjoy jazz, gospel and new age relaxation music. I am into pure essential oils from YoungLiving. <b>My motto is ''do something kind for a stranger every day''.</b>
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St. IVES Soothing Ahhhhh-LOE
Reviewed St. Ives Soothing Aloe
My grandchild had facial reconstruction surgery recently and I believe in the healing powers of aloe. After purchasing some skin care products to help smooth Read more...
When Burns Kill
Reviewed Dealing With Burns
If you have ever heard your parents say, dont play around with matches ordont touch the fire because it will burn you, pleRead more...
Essential Uses for Essential Oils
Reviewed Use of Essential Oils
I must admit that natural healing and the use of pure and simple home remedies tickle my fancy far more than traditional modern scientific cures do. When I fRead more...
The Keys to Writing A Super Review!!
Reviewed Writing Reviews on MouthShut
I love to write!  English was my absolute favorite subject in school!  My best friend in elementary school was the state Spelling Bee Champion!  I read a noveRead more...
Don't Stare and Point ! It's a NEVUS!!
Reviewed Knowing More About Diseases / Illness
Through writing this review, I intend to educate the public on a rare birthmark called a Giant CongenitalHairy Nevus.  My hope is that you will coRead more...
Five Detestable Foods!!
Reviewed My Ten Least Favorite Foods
I will first admit that I have never been a picky eater. In fact, since I was a very young inquisitive little girl, I have been able to make my way around theRead more...
Protecting the Aged During Heat Waves
Reviewed Caring for Aging Parents
In most countries, our aging parents are our greatest assets.  The years of experience and knowledge that they can provide the younger generations is pricelesRead more...
Naturally Effective Remedies To Lose that HEADACH
Reviewed Effective Remedies for Headache
Migraine headaches.cluster headaches.sinus headaches.toothache induced headaches.eye strain induced headaches.stress headaches.TENSION headaches. and the listRead more...
If The SHOE Fits.......Helpful Tips!!
Reviewed Tips on Choosing Shoes
About a month ago I was walking from my car to buy a cup of coffee and realized that my feet felt very heavy and warm.  I looked down and gasped, Oh my Read more...
My Choices For the Five Worst Websites of The Yea
Reviewed Five Worst Websites of the Year
Being an avid computer geek, I spend an average of 5 hours a day surfing the web.  I have run across many, many interesting websites.  Some I have never gone Read more...
McDonald's Says, ''You DESERVE a Break Today!''
Reviewed McDonald's - Andheri East - Mumbai
McDonalds is definitely in a class by itself. It is a world wide chain of fast food restaurants that has served millions of satisfied customers for yearRead more...
Reviewed Ghost
This has got to be one of my all time favorite Patrick Swayze movies. GHOST starring Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, and Whoopi Goldberg, is now a classic amongstRead more...
HALLMARK: When You Care to Send the Very Best!
Reviewed Hallmark
I have come upon a ton of fabulous and innovative websites on the internet. One of my favorites is HALLMARK.com. I believe that you will agree with me when I Read more...
Reviewed Muhammad Ali
My earliest memories of the one and only, world-renowned boxer known as Muhammad Ali, goes way back to the early 1960s when I was but a wee child. My faRead more...
Reasons to Subscribe to READER'S Digest
Reviewed Reader's Digest
As a young girl, I devoured every piece of reading material in my home. I loved to read and develop my vocabulary. The magazine that was a staple in my home wRead more...
DOVE...The Name Says it All!!
Reviewed Dove Soap
When I think of a dove, I envision softness, purity, beauty and peace. These are all of the qualities I love about DOVE SOAP. For many, many years my family hRead more...
EVIAN for a Taste of Heaven!
Reviewed Evian Mineral Water
My family lives in an area where the drinking water tastes like copper pennies! It is more than necessary to buy bottled water to drink and sometimes cook witRead more...
No More Flakes and It's Softer, Too!!
Reviewed Head & Shoulders 2 in1 Shampoo
When I first married my husband, he used a combination of dandruff shampoos to combat his dry, flaky hair. He tried several store brand, inexpensive products Read more...
Cartoons Anyone??
Reviewed Cartoon Network - TV & Cable Channels
Speaking for the adults in my household, and perhaps for many thousands of others worldwide, I can honestly say that the The Cartoon Network is by far one of Read more...
AVON Hydrofirming Day Cream SPF 15 REALLY WORKS!!
Reviewed Avon Hydrofirming Day Cream SPF 15
I wanted to maintain a youthful appearance as I aged so I checked with my favorite AVON lady and she gave me samples of a fabulous product which I have been uRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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