This is one of the most touching movies I have ever seen. Ive watched it numerous times, it never loses the emotional impact it has on its viewers.
The cast could not have been better chosen. Robin Williams playing the optimistic doctor who takes real, true interest in the unresearched patients, is just spectacular. You get little hints of Robins comedic side, just enough to make you chuckle a few times, but his real talent as dramatic actor is never diminished in any way. Robert DeNiro portrayed his character as a patient who awakens, is remarkable, and I think the best performance his career.
This film captures you from the opening scene until the end. It is a tad on the long side, but it really keeps your attention, because you get into the characters lives and who they are, and what they wish to accomplish. The movie will never fail to have an effect on you, whether you see it one or ten times.