Hi Friends, Dont want to bore your with the specification of the bike I gifted my brother a black pulsar 150 cc dts I on the 19 th sep 2004 for his birthday.Before I decided for this bike I read approximately 100 reviews on different bikes on the 150 cc segmnt bikes and what I observed was different bikes like cbz, fiero, lml graphtor claim different things but when it comes to the on road performance it is PULSAR THAT ROCKS let it be any field. When I bought my bike I got a mileage of 71 km per litre and it was unbelievable as it was driven between 40 to 70 km phr.I also tested for the top speed of my bike and it went upto 107 at the max and it was a real joy ride.I am crazy about speed and wanted more from my bike and when I went to get my bike serviced I asked the mechanic to increaset the speed but he screwed the performance of my bike and it hardly gave me a mileage of 45 kmpl and around 105 km phr and I was disheartend.I was not satisfied with the service of the mechaninc from bajaj showroom and when I went back for the 4 th service personally I complained about it to the manager and he asked the best mechanic to have a look at my bike and now it gives me a top speed of 105+ and a mileage of 55 and thats more than enough because I take my bike at 100 most of the times. I have beaten every bike in the 150 cc segment with my bike and I am completely satisfied for the amount that I paid for my bike.I will recomend all you friends that if you are looking for a bike in 150 cc segment this is the best and there is no other alternative.If your are looking for 180cc bike dont buy the pulsar 180cc as of now as bajaj is launching the new version of 223cc in the mid of the year and it has more broader tyres, silencer is changed and digital meter and the front is covered like karizma and I am sure this will give a tough competition to karizma as it will be launched around 85-90 thousand.I am personally waiting for this bike to be launched as I am ready to buy it and this will change the bike industry tremendously. If you do want to increase the top speed of your pulsar you can take it upto 120---130 km phr for 150cc by using the bigger jets in the carberater but the mileage will be around 30 to 35 after that but I would recomend you to do that only if speed is the main factor for you and you will see that max of your pulsar.I have noticed that all pulsar owners complain that there is a problem in the gear box and it slips at times and makes a wierd noise.I did face this issue earlier and when I consulted a supervisor he told me that if we get the chain tightened after every 300 kms this issue will not occur and it worked for me for the last 8 months I have not faced the same issue and it hardly takes 10 rupees to do that at any local garage.So enjoy biking and remember PULSAR ROCKS.
First update
Here I am to update my review on my bike it is gonna be almost 2 years on this september 19 th that I own this bike and it has clocked 23600 KMS as of now and I am happy with the overall performance it still gives me 48 kmpl even after rash driving and a top speed of 105 and I am still thinking to increase the speed of my bike but I am not able to dedicated time for it.One thing that I would like to warn you about is the mechanics at service centre when ever you complain about anything they bluntly say that the part might have gone bad please replace it and they will give you a huge bill so beware of it.When I took the bike to the service centre and asked them do the service change engine oil and clean the chain and tighten the bolt on the handbar they told be the ball bearings in the handle are bad so we have to repalce them which will cost you 125 rupees and the chain is also bad the entire chain kit will cost you around 850 rupees and this was told to me when I clocked 10000 kms but I did not replace it just got it tightened by a local mechanic for 20 rupees for both and 50 rupees for cleanig the chain and now my bike has clocked 23600 kms and have not replaced it yet so beware for false parts replacements.Just I did regular service for every 2000 kms and changed the engine oil and once refilled the brake fluid for disk brk and got the bike washed and it is in good shape.change engine oil and 2000 kms for better pickup you can add neuroil for 100 rupees extra it will increase power and pickup but the mileage will go down by 3 -5 kms.
Pulsar really rocks
Second update on my bike got some time out of my busy schedule on 14 th sep 2006 and got the bike serviced from the showroom.Screwed the happiness of the showroom manager as I was not satisfied with the top speed just 105 km/hr so I told him that I want to get the bike tested on the machine for pick up and speed and mileage so after the service then came the test and the machine that is used for the test showed 125 km/hr I was amazed and the pickup showed 4.8 sec for 0 to 60 and a mileage of 64 km/lr at 51 km/hr and the mechanic said that there can be a difference of 10% on road bcos the test was done without a person sitting on it. I weighed 60 kg so wanted to test it but the road was sufficient enough so I was able to make up 108 km/hr but there is still to go so was waiting to check the top speed so on 2 october I came to office from delhi to gurgaon during the evening as I was work in IBM BPO and the roads were clean with no traffic because of a government holiday and I was amazed the bike was able to clock 116 or 117 on the odometer but the road ended I am sure if there was road availble it would have reached 120 or 122 on the oddometer and let me remind you guys I own a bajaj pulsar dts I 2004 model which is only 13.1 bhp and not 13.5 and since I need more speed If I get some time I am going to fit a KN filter and intake system which will increase the speed around 8 to 15 km/hr above the top speed and also I am going to use a bigger size jet in the engine will update the review once that is done provided my elder brother allows or else I will buy a new bajaj pulsar 180 dts I fear the black OR may be the new bajaj pulsar dts fi or it can also be a yamaha rx 135....God knows because it just depends on my mood.
Maintain ur bike to get the best
ride hard but ride safe
always wear a helmet
Parmender Rathi