Dear friends, i thank you for your comments. Yesterday i happened to take a test ride of new bajaj xcd 135 cc at r v bajaj in bangalore. This bike is combination of pulsar and discover. Got a stylish tail lamp, new look indicator, wider rear tyre, new petrol tank cap and new digital speedometer with tachometer and an option of disc brake. Seats are wider and lengthier than its previous sibling.
Comfortability may not be that much compared to xcd 125, road grip is far better than 125 cc, pick is superb because high torque power. This is 5 geared vehicle. New digital speedometer with tachometer and front shield gives a better appearance from front. And at back new tail lamp design gives complete look of a bike compared half burnt back of xcd 125. Nitrox suspension at the back gives easy riding even on bumpy road. 8 ltr. Tank with new designed front plastic cover gives a pulsar look.
They are not giving any specification of mileage though says it may give 60 to 65 per ltr. Of petrol. Price on road is rs.51000.00 approx. In bangalore. All and all it is bajaj vehicle and you can rely on them. But is it necessary to have one more 135 cc along with discover 135cc. And moreover it is 5 geared. They could have remodified xcd 125cc with new. What are they going to do with xcd 125cc?
Will it meet the same fate of ct 100, platina 100cc? These are few question definitely will haunt on any customer who visits bajaj show room. Take test ride of new xcd 135 and send me the comments, since i am planning to exchange xcd 125cc to the new xcd 135cc because of its road grip, wider seat and new look.hi friends, i am owning this bajaj xcd 125 since dec 07 and rode around 16500 kms without any problems. Currently getting about 65km/ltr in city condition.
Even at the speed of say about 65km you can get this mileage on long journey. I took this vehicle in ghat sections of agumbe area, kollur area in karnataka and never experienced any problem at all. Its main drawback is brakes. You need to change brake shoes often. Zapper tyres can give speed but no road grip on this vehicle. Easily a better product for its value.
It has problem in fuel meter gauze as it won’t show exact. Though it is from bajaj you cannot get this vehicle serviced anywhere other than their own service station as most of electronic parts can be serviced by bajaj people only. Led tail lamps bright and its indicator are better at nights. It is more comfortable than hero honda vehicle, suzuki heat. Hope bajaj will continue with this vehicle for long. A good vehicle to have other than looks. Snv prasad