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Member Since:Jan 29, 2009
0 MS Points
A Lazy and Lethargic. Musics, Gardening, Playing Cricket.
About Me
Food and Drinks: Vegetarian, CoffeeBooks: BhagavadgeethaMovie Stars: AmitabMovies: GandhiMusic: Dr.L.Subrmaniam's Violin AlbumsQuotes: Never Say No to anything or anybody, listen what other says and act according to your concise.
Food and Drinks: Vegetarian, Coffee
Books: Bhagavadgeetha
Movie Stars: Amitab
Movies: Gandhi
Music: Dr.L.Subrmaniam's Violin Albums
Quotes: Never Say No to anything or anybody, listen what other says and act according to your concise.
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Reviewed Bajaj Platina 125
Dear friends, yesterday i happened to take a test ride of new bajaj xcd 135 cc at r v bajaj in bangalore. This bike is combination of pulsar and discover. GoRead more...
Reviewed Bajaj XCD 125
Dear friends, i thank you for your comments. Yesterday i happened to take a test ride of new bajaj xcd 135 cc at r v bajaj in bangalore. This bike is combinatRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on JimCon010's review
Rated on navjeet's review
Rated on thollan2003's review
Commented on surajkumarr's review
I also subscribed for Home 500 C since 3 months, which is very handy for my work. And till date I have no problem either with connection or speed of the broadband.
Rated on surajkumarr's review
Rated on spuranik's review
Commented on gopu3107's review
Need update on this vehicle as I am planning for myself in April.
Rated on gopu3107's review
Rated on Aaro's review
Rated on anirbang's review
Commented on own review
Dear Biswadip, I am using this XCD 125 since Dec 2007 and driven almost 22000 kms, still I am getting 65km on city conditions and 70 to 75 on long journey and never faced any problem even @ speed of about 80kmh. May be no one can complain about Yamaha or Honda bikes, but what about their service and Read More...
Rated on racer_m's review
Rated on Janithmc's review
Commented on Mananalways's review
The wheels that are provided by the Company are glorified bicycle tyres! Yes Zapper tyres are not suitable to this XCD 125 and I got it changed to regular Ceat Tyres. Now road grip far better and mileage didn't got affected. Did you take test drive of XCD 135, just get me the feed back.
Commented on Janithmc's review
Hi janithmc, have you checked with XCD 135, a mini pulsar, may be an answer to death_racer's Uni of Honda.
Rated on SachinKunde's review
Thanks for your comments, as I am new to this MS, hope may improve in coming days. Regards, S.n.v prasad
Rated on krisrajz's review
Commented on krisrajz's review
Rated on Sarigama's review
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