It is a very harsh decision taken by Edith Cowan University.which threatens BMA(Bangalore Management Academy)to pull back the affiliation."BMA is such an institution which provides in quantity but not in quality.Education remains as a show case but the reality is different. Renowned faculties become visiting faculties...paid on hourly basis.
Faculties with attractive faces are taking Personality development classes...simply making the class bounce for no reason...anyway....if the college has not efficient faculties to teach marketing, Finance, HR, Economics..then what is the need of teaching SOFT SKILLS.The set of batches who are passing out the college because of the deep pocket.
There is a simple strategy behind that...Refer some one ...get pass out.Many inefficient students are passing out because they refer some one to take admission.But degree wont help any one in professional life..."its the knowledge and fact about a topic which leads anyone to excel" But I am sure without Mr.Prasad Rao, Mr.Ravi there is no one to guide the syllabus......Now IT IS A HELL....Education is no more in This institute....ECU REALISM IT AND THE DIRECTORS KNOWS BETTER THAN ME...But lets see how long will they continue with their affiliation.