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Member Since:Apr 30, 2009
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Reviewed Bangalore Management Academy-Bangalore
It is a very harsh decision taken by Edith Cowan University.which threatens BMA(Bangalore Management Academy)to pull back the affiliation."BMA is such an instRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on entally's review
Commented on shashikarnal's review
Hey chullanz...i know u are also a butter kid but u are afraid of the devastation..trying to pretend but its well understood in the comment ..u are good at nothing...
Commented on bma_is_fraud's review
BMA earlier we had discussed ...its a molestation academy. Brokers are trappind ...pimps are everywhere ..be aware
Commented on angelheart's review
BMA will get down because we dont want innocent student to suffer because of its business policy.It doesnt matter Who all are behind the protective forces ....truth prevails.
Rated on Lord-Rony's review
Commented on Lord-Rony's review
no more advantages .only disadvantages. No faculty but chics good like shake mate
Commented on caretaker312's review
Hey gihi.....Step away ..Brokers are trapping you. I know an African student trapped in this programme. He cant move out also because u know the fact . No more ECU..no international Degree.Its better for u to be there . Iravesh,R smile are broker ....dont follow them .
Commented on wings23's review
Dear Mr Tyagi Its good to hear your reply. Let me remind you...its a public forum and every one is free to express his thought and ideas. It bothers u at most as i know non other mates are concern because they know the college status . I think u also know it but u are pretending yourself by bein Read More...
Rated on rthakur_29feb's review
Rated on wings23's review
Commented on napinky's review
Every one in the forum knows what is truth. All knows the site will be prevail by truth and dishonest ,blood sucking business will soon come to an end. This site gives a liberty to express the truth of a particular product so that user dont get cheated. Brokers like Irevash ,sriram are misguid Read More...
Commented on BMAMBA7's review
I think the scam bother u a lot Mr Broker. Bma is charging 18 k irrespective of extra tax. It should because it has to feed the bharuas like u . On the screen of Fluctuation u are getting bread and Directors are parking their dick on receptionist legs.
Dear Kuldeep and ekta ..You are butter kids and please have some sense when u are posting some comments on a public forum. Please do home work rather than reminding the faculties qualification. When you deposit the ECU fees In INR it has to convert in AUS D in that day and should be deposited in per Read More...
It good to hear Deloitte is spending money on BMA. I like your advice 'go and do something constructive work'.....i can see a construction worker in you. Mr.Tyagi....We predicted ECU Gonna pull back its affiliation ..its happened. How many students you have enrolled in this session? Thanks Read More...
Commented on Sujith133's review
Ann 6 ....u r very good at flesh trading... How many times u have slept with directors.Did u enjoy joe(Pig). Hope u got ur commission, what th hell u thinking ...passing advice ... by listening osho audios . Do trade ..make 3% and evaporte
Dear Mr. Victor......how could you forget about the comments 'ECU is pulling back its affiliation'. I ll suggest you to check this link once again.
Commented on bma7's review
its a clean site where every one gets the liberty to blame the product/service where they feel dissatisfied. Thats the purpose of the site to inform about the negatives to the prospectives. But the negatives are true . My dear broker(iravesh))..you have to accept it.
Mr sriram08 & Iravesh, shame on u. im sure you people are the marketing people of bma. Good Job!!! i can understand, u people didn't get any other job, so finally, at last only one option.... bring/trap someone else & get some commission money (broker job to be more frank!!!) plz don't use the ter Read More...
Wow its wonderful....our efforts outcomes positive reflexes...even some creatures masked himself as Rony and well known figures couldnot even prove their ability to save BMA. because i think bma ruins itself by its own. And finally the News broke out ECU affiliates only MPFB students ie It has alrea Read More...
Pedophile...wow than what about the top directors ..the gays and lesbo ...in the name of culture check......Spend some night with Ajit U ll have a great fun
pradeep (@pradeep.sh85MouthShut Verified Member)
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vinay BMA (@VinaybmaMouthShut Verified Member)
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Rashmi Sm (@rashmicroreMouthShut Verified Member)
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Siba Prasad Nath (@sibaprasadnath65MouthShut Verified Member)
LifeCell International Pvt Ltd (@LifeCell_CSMouthShut Verified Member)
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ankit sharma (@ankitjaspercolinMouthShut Verified Member)
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Pokkisha Posha (@pokkishabMouthShut Verified Member)
Nirant Dekate (@noddy989MouthShut Verified Member)
Anas Shaikh (@anass4581MouthShut Verified Member)
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