ISKCON is the International Society for Krishna Consciousness founded by Swami Prabhupada to propogate the teachings of Lord Krishna. ISKCON is famous for the Hare Krishna movement and has its temples and branches all over the world. The ISKCON temple in Bangalore at West of Chord Road is an important tourist attraction in Bangalore for visitors and localites alike.
Today being Varamahalakshmi festival we decided to visit ISKCON. The Metro construction unfortunately is happening just opposite ISKCON and as a result there are some traffic snarls. The parking place inside is more than ample. As you enter the huge and sprawling complex, you need to climb steps to reach the temple at the top of the hill. There is a lift available for those not able to climb the numerous steps.
Everything is organised very well. There is an orderly queue system - on special days like Krishna Janmashtami and Vaikunta Ekadashi, the queues are serpentine and stretch almost to the main road from the top of the hill. But if you visit on other days, you can have a quick darshan. You of course need to remove your footwear and gunny bags are provided, which are hung on hooks and you get a token- so no chance of losing your footwear. After you complete the mandatory security check, you climb the steps to enter into the queue for the darshan.
First you get a darshan of Lord Narasimha followed by a darshan of Lord Venkateshwara. The deities are a joy to behold and unfortunately as cameras are not followed, I am unable to share the picture of the great Lord. Finally you climb to the top of the hill and enter the main temple to view the idols of Lord Krishna and Radha. The golden sanctum sanctorum, the marble flooring, the colourful paintings on the walls makes the darshan a great experience.
After the darshan, there are many things to do in the temple complex - you can view a animation film on Krishna in the theatre or you can visit the innumerable shops to buy the various products on sale - statues, photos, books and many other items. There are many food stalls and also a restaurant. You can even buy cakes (eggless of course). And before leaving you can savour the prasad, which is delicious. Maintenance of the temple is excellent, the place is very clean and everything is well organised.
A very important thing to note about ISKCON is its Akshay Patra scheme. ISKCON provides free food to lakhs of students as a part of the mid-day meal scheme. More and more children now go to school without fail as they can get a filling and nutritious food from ISKCON, as a part of the mid-day meal program. The way the kjtchen is organised, the use of vans and the prompt supply of foods to schools is amazing. And what is important is every paisa you spend at ISKCON goes towards such programs.
If you donate Rs.1, 200 per year you can sponsor 2 children under the mid-day meal program for an entire year. And it is tax deductible under Sec 80G. So, not only are you doing your bit for God and society, but can also save tax.
When you reach the top of the hill, you can sit for some time and watch all around Bangalore and savour the cool air. There is also a park where children can have a relaxing time.
ISKCON is doing a great job. Through their wonderful temple and its attractions, they are attracting more devotees, which ensure spread of spirituality and also ensures service to society.
If you are in Bangalore, make sure you visit ISKCON. You can easily spend a couple of hours in peace, getting the blessings of the Lord and also having a relaxing time.