No easy payment of dues online.
No way to view your statement during the credit period. In fact only possible when you get the offline statement or your ring the call center. Bad in the sense, you can never come to know about any misuse of credit card.
Skypak Drop boxes address are incomplete or obsolete. How one can reach a shop on 3 km long Gokhale Road in Mumbai. (Note: That shop is no longer part of Skypak)
Lots of dropboxes are kept inside the shops. So if the shop is closed you cant drop cheque. It is Ok, but no info about the drop box time?
Every request has to be made on phone. I dont know why they havent got things online. Since Sept 2007, CCE have been saying that online facilities would be availbale soon.
I was charged late feee becasue of I dont know what reason. (I have another credit card with same credit period and due date and had dropped cheque in same Skypak box, Other bank received the payment in just one day btu Barclays couldnt). BTW, late fees is to be charged on late submission of cheque NOT on late realization, which is beyond the cheque issuers control.
NO unique docket number of any communication that happens with CCE. So if you got any problem (like in my case), you have to explain all ramayan to the new guy over and again.
Statement are never sent. I have used it during two billing cycle and made payment only based on Phone officer.
Lot better reward programs. In terms of cash value, it is more than twice better than ICICI/HSBC.
Easily accessiable on phone compared to othre credit card.
Easy issue of card w/o much hassle and verification. I got the card in record 10-12 days.
Set the billing cycle you are looking for. If your utility bill due dates are concentrated over a particular week of the month, you cna very well use it for longer credit period.
Becasue of this experince, Ive stopped using the Barclays Credit Card, not cancelled yet. Last time I used was in Sept 2007, but I receive calls (5-10 a month) from Barclays offering loan because of good credit. Pity how they must be managingthe customers of Barclays UK.