Barry Trotter and the Shameless Parody by Michael Gerber is a must read for anyone who loved, hated or even liked any of the Harry Potter books. Its clever, funny and is good for a laugh. It is extremely cleverly written, Im not going to say well, and it puts a spin on the whole story.
I wont give away too much but basically it is about Barry Trotter, the character ripping off Harry Potter, a lazy good for nothing wizard. He goes to Hogwash. He is in his twenties. Basically Alpo Bumblemore lets him stay on because hes famous. Along with his friends Lonald and Ermine Cringer he sets out to stop the movie of his life being produced as Hogwash is already over run by fans of his books.
In the story you also get to meet characters like J. G. Rollins and He Who Smells, Lord Valumart.
The sequel Barry Trotter and the Unecessary Sequel isnt as good as the first but is still an alright read.
Id even hazard saying its as good as the real Harry Potter, just a different style.