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Member Since:Mar 07, 2006
0 MS Points
I am a student and I have a dog named Xena. I love to read, make jewellery, play the Sims and sleep in late on the weekends. I also try my hand at painting and learning Japanese and French.
About Me
Education: Student
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C'est brillant!
Reviewed Amelie - English
Amelie is a French movie filled with love, curiosity and the ever quirky Amelie Poulain. One can see a certain similarity between Amelie and Jane AustenRead more...
Oh, to have an imaginary friend.....
Reviewed Drop Dead Fred
As a girl Lizzie, Phoebe Cates, had an imaginary friend whos name was Drop Dead Fred. Drop Dead Fred was always getting Lizzie into trouble, cutting off her hRead more...
Makes Natural History a Whole Lot More Interestin
Reviewed Night at the Museum Movie
Ben Stiller plays an out of work divorced father in this highly amusing comedy. Larry Daley is out of work and his ex-wife, played by 24s Kim Raver, wanRead more...
Is your Mother-in-Law a Monster-in-Law?
Reviewed Monster-in-Law
Jennifer Lopez and Jane Fonda star in this funny movie about Jennifer Lopez and the relationship she has with her future mother-in-law Jane Fonda. Jennifer LRead more...
Gripping, twisted, edge of your seat.
Reviewed My Sweet Audrina - Virginia Andrews
Theres something about Audrina. Audrina dosent remember much about her past all she knows is that some dark secret lies there. Audrina lives in ARead more...
Very interesting and useful
Reviewed Lonely Planet Japanese Phrasebook - Yoshi Abe
This book is a must have for any would be traveller to Japan, or for anyone who just wants to learn the lingo. The book is organised into several different cRead more...
Full of action, danger and mystery.
Reviewed Forests of Silence, The - Emily Rodda
Deltora is a land of humans, magic and monsters. Seven Gems lie in the Belt of Deltora which protects Deltora from invasion by the Shadow Lord and keep the peRead more...
If you want to really experience it read the book
Reviewed Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban
Harry enters his third year at Hogwarts with a serial killing mad wizard on the loose. Sirius Black. Sirius is the first wizard ever to escape from the wizardRead more...
If only I could be God.......
Reviewed Bruce Almighty
Bruce Nolan, Jim Carrey, is just your regular guy. Except he hates God for ruining his life. God is a mean kid sitting on an anthill, and Im the aRead more...
If u r gonna drink soft drink, drink normal Coke!
Reviewed Diet Coke
I first tried Diet Coke when I was at a friends house, and they happen to have diabetes so they cant drink stuff with lots of sugar in it. So they drinkRead more...
Vampire's galore!
Reviewed Saga of Darren Shan, The - Darren Shan
Darren Shan is the author and main character. This makes sense if you read all 12 books! Darren is just an ordinary school kid until he and his friend go to Read more...
A thriller of the ages
Reviewed Gothika
I myself watched this movie late one night, when I was home alone with only my teddy bear to protect me. The fool I was to turn off the lights! Gothika starsRead more...
Any shallower and it just wouldn't be funny.
Reviewed Shallow Hal
Jack Black plays Shallow Hal a guy who thinks he’s god’s gift to women, but he’s not! The movie starts off with Hal’s father dieing in a hospital and with hiRead more...
A truly 'Enchanting' story
Reviewed Ella Enchanted
When I saw the previews of this movie I thought that it looked really weak and not even worth watching. When my sister got it on DVD for her birthday I watcheRead more...
One of Bollywood's best
Reviewed Bride and Prejudice
The first time I watched this movia was at an Indian themed birthday party. It was pretty good, had a few laughs. Then I got it for my birthday and really satRead more...
Whenever it rains I think of Rain Man
Reviewed Rain Man
I bought this on DVD because it was on special and my mum was always saying she wanted me to see it. Charlie Babitt, Tom Cruise, is a guy who only cares for Read more...
Not everyone's cup of chocolate.
Reviewed Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was a wonderful book by Roald Dahl. The first movie of it was alright. (Thats the one with Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka.Read more...
Must Read for Harry Potter fans!
Reviewed Barry Trotter and the Shameless Parody - Michael Gerber
Barry Trotter and the Shameless Parody by Michael Gerber is a must read for anyone who loved, hated or even liked any of the Harry Potter books. Its cleRead more...
Flowers in the Attic, glad I'm not one.
Reviewed Flowers in the Attic - Virginia Andrews
Flowers in the Attic is one of the best books Ive ever read. My friend lent me the first three books in the series. I couldnt put it down. ExtremRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on priyankav's review
Rated on Rose831's review
Rated on gritngumption's review
Rated on anuj005's review
Rated on bharatis's review
Rated on RAGHUBHAI's review
Commented on own review
Thanks for the comment Abha. Dear toni123, I did not copy that off the back of the book. Of course I copied the name of the main character because that is what the review is about! That is all I copied. If it is on the back of any Darren Shan book then we have different editions. See ya AJ
Rated on kabalynn's review
Rated on jodihayes's review
Rated on maxcritique's review
Rated on pushpa.hemrajani's review
Followed diver
Followed dogs
Oblover thank you for the comment, I was just trying to say that this movie was not a patch on the old one and because of all the clever advertising it seemed like it might be better than it really was as it is not very good at all, AJ
Rated on immyappy's review
Commented on immyappy's review
Um, I don't know what the first two comments are about, but advertising for your own reviews on someone else's isn't very nice. Whoever owns them should really remove them or at least have some comment about the review in question. Anyway, Imogen your review was just little short. Add a bit more Read More...
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