Batman, the only Human Superhero has always been characterised by a small set of Gotham City, pettty childish gizmos and a candy heroine. This Movie Changes it all.
Most of the previous movies have been comic strips brought on silver screen, whereas this movie is very different - It is a Movie.
Right from the Introduction of Bruce Wayne to his ultimate Avtaar of Batman, the movie is smooth, engrossing and Smooth. Christopher (Bruce Wayne) is good in his role and Liam Neeson is excellent in his screen persona.
The movie is also characterised to a Human aspect and the city seems believable (not like previous small sets observed) and the movie from beginning to end is One Smooth Ride.
I am not very kind to many movies, but this movie is a good welcome change and deserves a Look. Built for mature audiences as compared to previous batman flicks where the whole movie was a candy show, Batman Begins also very smoothly connected the big black space between the child Bruce Wayne, the Young Bruce Wayne and Batman.