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Member Since:Jun 02, 2005
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Education: B.E., PGDBM (in progress)
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The Top 3 Serials - My Choice - Take a Chance
Reviewed Five Best Serials of the Year
Yippeeee, its that time of the year again when the air is breezy and chilly and everyone likes to settle down in a couch, turn the heater slightly warm and hoRead more...
Amazingly Kool
Reviewed Scrubs - TV Serial Star World TV Channel
Scrubs... Scrubs... Scrubs... This latest TV Series is a fresh breath in the latest run, re-runs and re-runs again of hit TV series (read Friends)...n Ok wiRead more...
Red Eye:- Zippy
Reviewed Red Eye
Whooaaaa... I have watched a lot of Run-Of-The-Mill stories and this one is one of them... But I liked this one.. You know why - Because the Director stuck toRead more...
War of the Worlds - Hmmm
Reviewed War of the Worlds
Well, typically when you have a Tom Cruise - Steven Spielberg flick coming your way, you are expected to be over awed and be rocked... This movie, plain and sRead more...
Stealth - Just Maybe...
Reviewed Stealth
Before we start to judge or review this movie, it is very important that one defines his expectations and clasRead more...
XXX - A tag short!
Reviewed XXX - The Next Level
Hey Friends... XXX is back... the movie begins with the tag line of a new XXX with lotsa more attitude and lotsa more action... well sadly it falls quite shorRead more...
Fantastic Four - A Human Touch
Reviewed The Fantastic Four
Fantastic Four has always been one of my favourite comic strips and later cartoon series... Both great series... And now the movie, Fantastic Four does justiRead more...
Skeleton Key - A Twist in the Twisted Tale
Reviewed Skeleton Key
Hello everyone.. back I am in the reviews... Now lets wonder about the dark side of humans and the possible plethora of the unknown.. Read more...
Ring 2 - For Ring 1 fans Only
Reviewed Ring 2
Lets be fair to this movie, Its for only the Ring 1 Fans. Mainly for two reasons, more than being a scary movie, this movie tends to complete the story of RinRead more...
Mr & Mrs. Smith - Falling Short
Reviewed Mr and Mrs Smith
A strong cast and a possible love affair gave this film all the publicity they needed. However, the film goers might want to rethink their movie watching baseRead more...
Batman Begins - A Welcome Change
Reviewed Batman Begins
Batman, the only Human Superhero has always been characterised by a small set of Gotham City, pettty childish gizmos and a candy heroine. This Movie Changes iRead more...
Nokia Ngage QD - A Big Mistake
Reviewed Nokia N-Gage QD
Nokia Ngage QD - A Big Mistake On 20.11.04, I made a big mistake of my life. I bought a Nokia Ngage QD - carried away by the media glitz, a flashy web site aRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
Nope.. Actually, I took it from the scrubs original website www.nbc.com/scrubs I wrote my own version of what the Series would be but kept it on hold till people actually start discussing on the forum. Wouldnt want to bias anyone and best to know the serial from the director eyes... As for the li Read More...
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