I spent almost 2 years in this company. I would strongly discourage anyone from joining this Company as the management is highly incompetent and unprofessional. Most of the engineering dept. chiefs have limited professional knowledge and therefore one cannot grow in his/her discipline.
Apart from this there is undue stress on six sigma which has resulted in highly incompetent people rising in this Company - they would never fit in with any other company. Despite the emphasis on quality and six sigma, huge blunders are routinely committed in projects resulting in considerable embarrassment to the top management who try to save their skins. Some examples are : In OGD-III one whole compressor train was missed in the estimate resulting in huge losses to Bechtel. Many designers/engineers worked like dogs without OT for several months (incl.all Saturdays/holidays). In PX some fabricated pressure vessels delivered at site had inconsistencies in nozzle numbers / location.
These vessels had to be resent to the fabricators works more than once from the site (shame!!). In AGD-II too there has been delay and many goof-ups at the site. In PX I saw two junior Process engineers being forced to resign (around Oct. 2007) on account of sins committed by the seniors. All this is difficult to expect from a six sigma company like Bechtel. Even Indian PSUs do a much better job without much fuss and at much less cost to clients. Further, during the recession of 2008-09 I understand that many permanent employees were asked to resign. Of course, pet animals were always given special treatment although their value on projects was questionable.
It is surprising that many other MNCs who entered NCR much later than Bechtel are doing a much better job (eg. Samsung, CH2M HILL, CB&I , GS, Saipem, Saipem-Triune, Foster Wheeler etc.) Despite being around since 1994 Bechtel are yet to execute a vertical split on projects. Presently I understand that there is still not much hope of any big OG&C project(s) coming their way. Employees not on projects have to take off on Friday without being payed for such Fridays. Only Rileys dildos are left now. Cheers for the next 112 years!!