I wish at least this review of mine happen to be an eye-opener of BEETEL Company and it come forward to settle our grievances. In fact my dear readers, I am totally frustrated to talk anything about the Service Department of BEETEL.
We have the normal landline connection of the BSNL Chennai Telephones and we had been using the phone instrument given by BSNL which possessed just the basic features.
BEETEL is a Company manufacturing different models of phone instruments ranging from just the basic phone to a highly advanced instrument. They have humpty number of compac phones, special feature phones, walky-talkies, cordless, hands-free phones, speaker phones etc.. Beetel are the Authorised Contractors for the BSNL Chennai Telephones for supply of phone instruments supplied to BSNL, and BSNL in turn while giving new landline connections, give the phones to its customers.
During the month of September 2004, a marketing representative from BEETEL came to our Flats to introduce about their recently launched different models of phone instruments and proudly briefed us about the features available in their instruments. He informed us that all the following features / facilities are available in their BEETEL Blueclip Phone :
? Speaker Phone
? CLIP (Caller ID Free)
? Missed calls shown
? Can view the incoming calls upto 20 previous numbers
? High Contacts storage memory
? Digital volume control for speaker
? Receiver volume adjustable
? Ringer volume control
? Nearly 15 ringtones
? Desk / wall mountable
? Free SMS
? One year replacement warranty
? Lifelong Free Service (spares to be replaced at actuals)
While all other features were just the usual ones, I was quite impressed by the options of so many ring-tones (just like mobile phones) and the Free SMS service. We were informed that it is a feature of the phone instrument and uncountable SMS was free. He showed us all the ring-tones right from Jingle bells to other songs, we were really overwhelmed. While I enquired him why the ring-tone was feeble, the representative informed me that the other noises like fan, our pets, the aquarium?s motor etc. were little high and that the ring-tone volume is adjustable.
The marketing person told us that for a price of around Rs.1, 100/-, we get so many facilities which is generally not offered by other Companies. He also said that there was a very great demand for this phone and only on festive offer, the cost was so low otherwise the price of the phone would be higher (after this offer period).
He also said that in case we had any doubts on operating the instrument, an Engineer from their Company would immediately pay a visit to our place to give us a Demo. I was quite impressed and since my father-in-law was also willing to purchase it, I convinced my husband to buy it. So we placed an order for the phone and paid him Rs.1, 095/- (+ taxes, so it came to nearly about Rs.1, 200/-). He gave us a receipt and told us an Engineer would visit our place the very next day. He thanked us very much for our friendliness.
?No booklet was given on the functioning the instrument, the Engineer was to visit us the next day, but in vain.
?Very soon we found that even if kept in the highest volume, the ringer volume is very very low and is absolutely not audible to us. Mine is a pretty bigger house and many times we missed many calls because of this. I really got embarrassed when people were calling me on my mobile, complaining that I was not picking up the landline.
?Also, each time an incoming call comes, it rings in different tones. Whatever ring-tone we set doesn?t remain and it automatically keeps getting changed. We did not know how to set it or probably store it.
?SMS facility was not available
?Did not know how to view all the missed calls
So, I called the BEETEL office and requested them to send an Engineer as soon as possible because we did not anything about the operation of the instrument. In spite of promising us, he did not turn up for almost a month from our purchase. I was also worried about informing this to my husband because he has absolutely no faith in these door-to-door marketing and selling. Then by November 2004, I took up the matter with my husband and to my surprise, he said that I should have taken it to his notice much earlier & that he will try to deal with the problem. But he is already a busy doctor & practically he couldn?t sort it out.
Until date, we have contacted so many persons of the BEETEL OFFICE several (even uncountable times) times despite our busy schedule. Every time they promise to send someone for a Demo, but no one ever turns up. While we could no longer bear with this nonsense, yesterday we paid a visit to the BSNL (BEETEL) Office at No. 170, Usman Road, T.Nagar, Chennai-17 (Opp. to Chennai Silks Showroom) and one Mr. Thandapani was kind enough to reply us patiently and he informed us that at any cost, he would ask their Engineer to fix up an appointment with us and pay a visit to our place. Another funny thing is that (we came to know this from one of their employees), it seems that now only BSNL is discussing about providing the facility of SMS to all its landline subscribers. The proposal is just at its discussion stage and so soon, the marketing person told us that we could send ?Uncountable FREE SMS?!!!! Is it not funny???
Well, on exploring the instrument too much, I have already learnt the major operations of the instrument myself. What all I feel are the drawbacks ?
?Very low Ring-tone volume, few ring-tones are really hopeless
?Very low phone volume (while speaking, many times the voice of the person on the other end is feeble)
?No SMS Facility (as they generally boast & cheat the customers !!!)
So, all the impressive matters about the instrument are not as satisfactory as they brag about, so what are we looking for in this phone as for the special features side ? Therefore, I strictly oppose purchase of this phone instrument. I personally feel that National Panasonic has better phone instruments with excellent features, also at very economical prices.
In case if you all have had any better experience with the Service Division of BEETEL, please do let me know about it. If the BEETEL Company is least bothered about the grievances of its valuable customers, then do they just sell the phone instruments for the sake of improving the individual selling points of the marketing persons ?
Your ratings and comments are most welcome. Thanks for your valuable time.
Mrs. Jayalakshmi Shyam