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Member Since:Jul 31, 2003
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I am a very very romantic LEO with an equally romantic & cheerful SCORPIO hubby. We cry for nothing, laugh & giggleeeeeeee for nothing & we love tons of sweet nothings.... START LOVING THE WORLD, THE WORLD WILL START LOVING YOU! . <b>I love :</b> •My forever Love is my Sweet <b>MOM</b> whom I’ve always adored for her audacity, swift decision-making, & her selfless love towards one and all around her. •<b>Science</b> & the exquisiteness of <b>Nature</b>. I love a dawdling-walk on the sopping green grass •<b>Music</b> is my passion! I just can’t visualize a world without MUSIC. I sense & cherish the music(s) of a baby’s slender cry, water drop falling into a Drum, the scary noise of a lizard & the preeminent music of SILENCE.
About Me
Education: M.Sc., ADSM
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Say 'no' to airtel
Reviewed Airtel Broadband
My letter to airtel nodal office will be an eye opener to many customers: Sub: very very poor service & cancellation of connection This is to bring to your Read more...
Not my Cup of Tea !
Reviewed Nokia 1110
While Statistics say that Nokia’s repute & recognition has enhanced almost 200% over the last 5 years, when compared with any other mobile manufacturer, are wRead more...
FLY "Anytime .. Anywhere" !
Reviewed Via
www.flightraja.com – Many are unaware of this instant ticketing website which provides really accurate information on domestic flights between various sectorsRead more...
An Innocent + Comedy Kalakkal .......
Reviewed Nala Damayanthi
This Little Bubbly film is a Big Blend of Comedy, Sentiment, Romance served hot with some spicy stunt-shots…… NALA DHAMAYANTHI = = = = Behind the Screens = Read more...
AVON - Amazing Vivid Outstanding New
Reviewed Avon Lip Makeup
A- Amazing V-Vivid O-Outstanding N- New & Fresh Being an Avon fan for decades, I’ve always wondered if this really was the meaning of AVON ! lol …. It isRead more...
The A to Z Store
Reviewed LifeStyles - Mumbai
If you are one among those middle-class men with a feeling that the ‘Lifestyle’ store is meant only for the richest, please, for heaven’s sake eliminate that Read more...
Exhilarating & Electrifying Queen of Hill Station
Reviewed Ooty
Our trip to Ooty (for about a week) has a deep momentous magnitude because it was our Honeymoon Trip! OOTY – An Overview Udagamandalam, being the original nRead more...
Lord of Seven Hills !!
Reviewed Tirupati
My touring to this enthralling hill station began right at the age of one for my ear-boring ceremony. Until now, I really wouldn’t know how many times I wouldRead more...
Make Your Trip via 'makemytrip'
Reviewed Makemytrip
In these days of flight travel having become dead cheap, not only that you have countless choices of flights but the offers of various airlines are also limitRead more...
Traditionally & Trendy 'MADURAI' !
Reviewed Madurai
I’m always enthusiastic and excited about traveling to this charming city Madurai !! Madurai always leaves me wondering whether it belongs to the Read more...
A lovely Temple City
Reviewed Tiruchirappalli
Hello All ! This is going to be about my recent trip to Trichy (Tamil Nadu). Lot of places like Chennai (for its beaches), Ooty (for flower shows etc.), KodaRead more...
NAYANTARA - The Pretty & Glamorous Mallu
Reviewed Nayantara
IT IS an unwritten rule in the Film Industry that while Heros remain ‘Maarkandeyans’ and go on & on & on for years, the Heroines, but for a very fRead more...
The Rice Bowl of Tamil Nadu
Reviewed Thanjavur
Tanjore (Thanjavur), which lies in the east of Trichy in Tamil Nadu is popularly known as the “Rice Bowl of Tamil Nadu”.. As Tanjore is in Tamil NRead more...
Reviewed Mountain Dew
Among the wide range of soft drinks available in the market due to the existing high range of competition among the Soft Drink manufacturers, how do we chooseRead more...
A cute thrash-about …. ...
Reviewed Priyasakhi - Tamil
The Title ‘Priyasakhi’ represents the heroine Priya (Actress Sadha who co-starred with Vikram in Anniyan) and the hero Sakhi (the Chocolate Actor Read more...
Jus' An Entertainer ......
Reviewed Arindhum Ariyamalum
In the Gollywood Industry, sometimes a 50 Crore budget movie turns down its Producers & at times a very low budget film becomes a Super-Dooper Box Office Hit Read more...
The Torturing Jaya, Not 'Totti Jaya'
Reviewed Totti Jaya
When compared with other regional languages, Tamil films have more of action-oriented movies which, based on the performance & popularity of the Hero have becRead more...
Vasool Raja - Comedy Raja
Reviewed Vasool Raja Mbbs
It is an undeniable fact that a very lesser rate of movies are remade from Hindi to Tamil due to the reason that Bollywood prevalently has story lines that arRead more...
7G - A Colorful Rainbow
Reviewed 7G Rainbow Colony
“7G Rainbow Colony” – Yes, as the name itself suggests, this youthful story revolves around a Carefree Youth Kathir residing @ 7H Rainbow CoRead more...
Here's a Kick Boxer in the Box Office !
Reviewed M.Kumaran, Son Of Mahalakshmi
Are the Film Makers crazy about short-cut victories these days or aren’t they confident about their own story-making ? Why is every Director running aftRead more...
The Truth about Cult Fit Bangalore Indiranagar
Reviewed cult.fit
Do not go to Cult Tribe Indiranagar: Why? Read more. 1. Dance Fitness Classes: The dance fitness sessions are particularly disappointing. The choreography ofRead more...
Commented on thetruest's review
Being a 1995-98 batch of maths graduation student of MOP Vaishnav, I do agree with your overall views about the college.. it was a good read ! keep up the good work!!
Rated on thetruest's review
Rated on cerk's review
Rated on Traveller's review
Rated on santoo's review
Rated on aanalshah's review
Rated on A4E9P2QC1's review
Rated on madsadman's review
Commented on apocryphalreviewer's review
Hi Sandeep! That was really a nice-read. ?- I can visualize your pride about this cute & valuable gift.. treasure it & enjoy… Btw, needless to say that you made the product look beautiful to us with your beautiful revu.. (hey man...donno the price???.. ask ur girl & tell us na???) Che Read More...
Rated on apocryphalreviewer's review
Rated on smisbahuddin's review
Commented on rohitthebest's review
Hi Rohitbhai… That was an awesome review I’ve come across after a long gap. To be frank, I have not even heard of this place. Shud make it di in my next yr’s Mumbai trip boss… How are things otherwise? Bye bye Happy writing… Jaya
Rated on rohitthebest's review
Commented on faisal's article
Hi Faisal... Hi Faisal! I am one of the long lost members of “Mouthshut.com”. What made me vanish from the site all of a sudden having written considerably lots of reviews? I feel there is no recognition for our reviews… I personally feel that the site should honor good writers monetarily or wi Read More...
Smart People and Loving Members = mouthshut.com
Rated on Cticize's review
Rated on discover.sunny's review
Followed MakeMyTrip
Commented on vibzi's review
Rightly said Vaibhavi ! With video reviews, we can now also show to others the defects on the product, if we find any !! Well, on the review, it is unbelievable that such a reputed brand like Cadbury’s is into this kind of defects, the fact is, I haven’t really heard any similar incidents! Still, Read More...
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Nooreena Qadri (@PlanetSparkMouthShut Verified Member)
Rikant Pitti (@EaseMyTrip_CareMouthShut Verified Member)
Deepak Maan (@deepakmaanMouthShut Verified Member)
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Sk Mehadi Hassan (@smhassanjeeMouthShut Verified Member)
Vaikunth K (@vaikunth3MouthShut Verified Member)
Bhavana Rathi (@BALICMouthShut Verified Member)
Amit Kumar (@akumar11415MouthShut Verified Member)
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Kaif Ajmi (@kaifajmi1MouthShut Verified Member)
Ramdev Aggarwal (@ramdevaggarwal75MouthShut Verified Member)
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