Interviews are where often your careers are decided. Eventually in an interview, it is how you come across to the interviewer, is most important. Often, it is your level headedness, that comes to your rescue, and not your qualifications. My most important advice, when going for any interview is to be cool. Sure u want that job, but do not lett it obsess u to the point, where u cant think of losing out. That is sure to strike u out.
Another important point is not to bluff your way out.During any question session, make sure u do not bluff things. Because if u r caught in the act, no one can help you. Be as honest as u can. Cause the people in front of you are experienced in these things.
To succeed in an interview, your body language should be very positive.Be it an interview for a job or for admission to a professional college.
And in these times of lesser jobs, never answer in the positive if asked whether youd leave for a better job. That would be like digging your own grave.
For me, the mantra has always been the word Relaxed. I went to both my interviews, with the idea , that I am going there for the heck of it. I am not saying that I did not prepare myself. What I am saying is that , this helped me to relax.
Then again, friends one thing you have to note is that this is how you r gonna be feeling. To feel so, your basics, your degrees, your knowledge has also to be good, if not perfect.
This was my experience and all of you may or may not agree.But with me it has worked wonders.