Reach out for your dreams, even if u fall, youll be among the stars-thats what states the spirit and style of an ambitious heart and soul.
This is 2002, and few in the country would have not dreamt, let alone ponder, about heights of success.
Bend it like Beckham revolves round a girl Jaspinder, or Jess as she is better called as, who knows what she wants in life and does not let situations and circumstances dampen her spirits.
Jess plays in the park, untill she has been spotted and taken in all girls group which plays in a real pitch with real lights and a real good (not to forget handsome) coach-Joe. Jess deals with all the hurdles that come in her way to play football- learns to cook aloo-gobi but still sneaks out and plays football, attends her siss marriage but still dreams about playing like Beckham, hears her moms scoldings (who doesnt!!!) but still plays for the finals!
Watta determination!!
But does the story end here?
Definately not!!
Despite all the oppositons, she sneaks out during her sisters marriage and plays her best in the finals- not to forget the last-minute-saviour-cum-her-dad who let her go and play. And did she play!!! ?She not only gave her very best, she also succeeded in getting admission in the Top univ in the states with full scholarship and a chance to play football professionally!!
Thats what the film says-dont let circumstances overrule you and your dreams. Those who have dreamt have gained.
It would be rather lack of humour to say that film does not have humourous dialogues. The typical punju tone saying hai raib!! throws a light on how well the details have been worked upon.But I think the film deals more with ones belief and ones self aspirations rather than a tickling comedy as most people find it. The film is more than just mosquito bites and juicy mangoes!!!!
The film shows that parents are not always correct about their childs career. The decision as to what one wants to become should be left to the child alone. Pressurising and demanding leads to nowhere. A girl like Jess who can bend a ball like Beckham should not be forced to cook aloo gobi as if this is all that matters!
Often one finds asking oneself- what does the future hold for me??- the answer to this is within the film and know the answer.