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Member Since:Mar 10, 2002
0 MS Points
i am a very down to earth sort of person who loves to enjoy life to the fullest.i am an admirer of all beautiful things including nature, people , paintings ,everything. i believe in life being vast not long and live upto that belief. i belive the saying'reach out for the sky, even if u fall, u'll be among the stars'. painting, reading are the things that excite me the most. I am a music fanatic and travelling is my sport. talking and chatting i feel is my birth right and perfect remedy for a depressed soul.
About Me
Education: B.E.
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Competition for Bollywood atlast!!!
Reviewed Sons of Fortune - Jeffrey Archer
Head: Crap…absolute waste of my cells, time and energy!! Heart:What the hell are you talking of? Head: Archer’s latest “Sons of FortuneRead more...
Football, shootball, hai raiba
Reviewed Bend it Like Beckham
Reach out for your dreams, even if u fall, youll be among the stars-thats what states the spirit and style of an ambitiousRead more...
Generation - ''W''
Reviewed Femina
In a silent space, the sensual notes of a symphony comes to life, every fortnightly. If magic is to be translated in words and written on pages, it would defiRead more...
As good as wearing nothing at all!
Reviewed Johnson & Johnson Acuvue Lens
Customer is the king was a normal proclamation, which we used to hear until a few years back. However of late the Japanese have begun Read more...
Together we change the world
Reviewed Nirma Institute of Technology-Ahmedabad
Nirma Institute of Technology draws much of its inspiration and strength from its founder, Shri Karsanbhai Patel, a recipient of the “Udyog Ratna”Read more...
Reviewed A Painted House - John Grisham
THE PAINTED HOUSE by john grisham John Grisham is undoubtedly one of the best fiction writers the world has and is among my few favourite writers. But readinRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on authentic_touch's review
Rated on ashford's review
Rated on madlalya's review
Commented on own review
hey all, thanx for the wonderful comments and suggestions...i m glad u liked my review neha...and will take ur suggestion into account arun the next time i write but hey maverick, sorry to disagree but just being JA's novel doesn't garuntee the quality....i understand opinions differ and thou i too Read More...
Rated on srinivasann_p's review
Rated on pavithrashinde's review
Rated on nandakumar's review
thanx spooks, and i really don't think the magazine is just for the women. Though it attracts majority of the women, I have seen men reading it too with gr8 interest. The fact is that the mag can be read by one and all. After all, its an age of sexual eqality!!:-) neways, thanx rashmi
Rated on annette_tr9's review
thanx sujay for the advice but i guess if u had taken pains of reading my review with more efforts you wud have known that i have covered aspects like average life of the product, value for money, comparison with its peers etc. neways i'll try to be more generous on my views next time. thanx rash Read More...
Commented on madlalya's review
hi madlalya, u write too well. I completely agree to whatever is potrayed over here.Its really seems ironical that the people who claim to be patriots, the most they can do for the country is boast. The recent incident in ahmedabad just proved a more of this. great going, keep writing
Rated on Bhavna's review
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