I had been salivating for about an year, desperately wanting a LCD monitor for my computer but the prices were crazy so I decided to wait a while. A couple of months ago while I was in Dubai I decided to buy a LCD monitor because the prices had dropped by then. I went in search of a 17 monitor but ended up buying a 19 screen. This was because , for the money I spent in Dubai for 19 , I was getting 17 in India. And as we all know...size DOES matter....atleast in monitors! With the customs duty free limit of 25000 Rs, I could happily bring my Rs 15000 Benq 19 monitor, without paying any duty. I carried it in my hand baggage so there was no fear of damaging it.
I did some research before I bought this monitor which I would be delighted to share with fellow MS guys. Maybe it will be of some use to them.
So why did I want a LCD in the first place? The advantages are many - easier to move around/clean as they are thinner, lighter and take up much less space, less eye fatigue, more energy efficient than a CRT (less power consumption) and ofcourse LCDs look gooooooooooooood.
The first thing I thought about was the price obviously. I didnt want a very expensive model but I wasnt going to buy a no-name brand either. Then came the size - I was using a 17 Samsung monitor so I7 was good for me. During my browsing, I saw how beautiful things look on a 19 screen and after comparing the price with India, I went in for a bigger screen. The next thing on my list was the response time. I wanted a fast response time (8-12 ms) so that when I played games, the image didnt ghost (motion blur). My Benq screen has a response time of 8 ms and I have not seen any ghosting at all. I was also careful of the dead pixel policy of the maker. You see, LCD screens are notorious for dead pixels - even one dead pixel in the middle of your screen can ruin your LCD experience. Before you buy your LCD, get the salesperson to display a full white image on screen first followed by a full black image (easily done in Microsoft Paint) so you can weed out dead pixels. Check the dead pixel policy of the company. If you do find dead pixels in the warranty period, will they replace your monitor? Do try to test your LCD monitor before buying it - make sure that the salesperson gives you the same monitor and not a new untested one.
A couple of things to remember about LCDs - they have a field of vision restriction which means that you have to sit directly in front of them to get a good view. The better the product, the larger will be the field of vision and there will not be a darkening of the screen from a not in front position. All LCD monitors have , what is known as, a native resolution which essentially means that they give their best performance at that resolution. For example, my 19 monitor has a native resolution of 1280 x 1024 (SXGA). Any other resolution looks washed out and blurry. Choose your resolution depending on the size of the screen you buy. For me the best resolutions are as follows: 15 - 800 x 600 or 1024 x 768 ; 17 - 1024 x 768 ; 19 - 1280 x 1024. Physically try out various resolutions before you buy the screen - maybe the salesperson wont have a clue about the native resolution.
Gamers / DTP people will still prefer the CRT screen as they can buy bigger screens for the money they spend on LCD screens. In addition, the colours are brighter and there is no motion blur on CRT screens (provided you have a good video card). If you have space limitations or work extensively with words - word processing, Internet browsing etc, go in for a LCD monitor, provided ofcourse you can afford it. Some LCD monitors come with speakers which means that they are perfect for offices. But serious music lovers/gamers will hate the tinny sound.
I am very happy with my Benq FP91G screen and would recommend it without hesitation. Other companies like Acer/Samsung/Viewsonic make LCDs screens which are equally good but prices differ. So sniff around a little before you splurge.
Details of the Benq FP91G can be found here: