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Member Since:Feb 20, 2003
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I am a Merchant Navy officer living in Mumbai. When I am not sailing the high seas, I enjoy surfing the net, playing computer games, swimming, listening to music and reading books. If you read my review PLEASE do write a comment and dont forget to rate it! . Computers, Music, Books, Swimming.
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Education: Professional qualifications
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The Dell Experience!
Reviewed Dell Inspiron 1150
I will try and kill two birds with one stone here - I will review my experience with Dell as well as the XPS M1210 Laptop itself (see relevant section in MoutRead more...
Dell XPS M1210 - Small but deadly gaming laptop!
Reviewed Dell XPS M1210 (Core Duo T2300)
DELL XPS M1210 LAPTOP. I am a Toshiba fan however this time I decided to go in for a Dell laptop because I wanted a gaming laptop (read "a laptop that could Read more...
My Bollywood Hit List!
Reviewed Ten Most Overrated Bollywood Personalities
Ten most over rated personalities in Bollywood ----------------------------------------------------------- I acknowledge that this is going to be an extremeRead more...
Toshiba Satellite 2450 Laptop - Excellent buy!
Reviewed Toshiba Satellite 2450
I have owned a Toshiba Satellite 2450-A741 laptop for more than an year now. My previous laptop was a Compaq Presario . The difference between the two laptopsRead more...
My list of Ten Best English Movies
Reviewed Ten Best English Movies
There are so many movies that have struck a chord.such a vast variety to choose from.but somehow Ive managed to pick the ten movies that impressed me.heRead more...
Land of the dead (2005)
Reviewed Shaun of the Dead
LAND OF THE DEAD (2005) Dont ask me WHY I saw the movie? I dont know myself....but I did see the movie. I even paid for my ticket!!! Best part was that I entRead more...
Get rid of Dandruff once and for all!
Reviewed Getting Rid of Dandruff and Lice
Im writing this review(confession actually) because my wife forced me to! Otherwise.me confessing that I have(had) a problem? Impossible.! About 15 years agoRead more...
Who moved my Cheese? - Revisited
Reviewed Who Moved My Cheese? - Dr Spencer Johnson
If you are like me (before I read this book) - you believe that Self-Help books are for losers. (Losers are people who dont have it inRead more...
How to buy a laptop/notebook computer - Updated
Reviewed Buying a Laptop / Notebook
You want to buy a laptop do you? And looking at the vast choice available you are confused.not to worry.heres some advice. Be aware that it is the processor(cRead more...
BenQ FP91G LCD monitor + How to buy a LCD monitor
Reviewed BENQ FP531 LCD Monitor
I had been salivating for about an year, desperately wanting a LCD monitor for my computer but the prices were crazy so I decided to wait a while. A couple ofRead more...
Iqbal - A quintessential ''feel good'' movie
Reviewed Iqbal
This movie is about a 20 yr old (correction 18 yr old as Iqbals mom tells his dad) poor village boy who dreams of becoming a cricketer (a pace bowler). Read more...
A Career in the Merchant Navy ? - Part 2
Reviewed Choosing the Right Career
Part 2 Continued from Part 1 - (Look in Choosing a Specialization / Stream) Another aspect to think about is the weather. Ships do run into bad weather (reaRead more...
A Career in the Merchant Navy ? - Part 1
Reviewed Choosing a Specialization / Stream
PART 1 So you want to join the merchant navy as an officer , huh? Youve heard all those stories about being paid to visit foreign countries, havent youRead more...
Worldspace Radio - BPL Celeste vs Tongshi DAMB- R
Reviewed World Space Satellite Radio
Worldspace is a revolutionary satellite based audio entertainment system. You hook up a special Worldspace radio to an antenna (Yagi or Patch) which is providRead more...
Innova - A lifetime car - Updated 26 Dec 05
Reviewed Toyota Innova
UPDATE (26 Dec 05) ========== Ive been driving this car now for 5 months and I stand by my earlier review. It is an extremely good car - very comfortaRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on qumar's review
Hi, Whoa! What a story....and here I was thinking of buying another machine from them....thanks for the heads up.... Regards Dive35
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Commented on own review
Ur right....i did make a spelling mistake...i've corrected it now. Thks! Btw...i dont hate his superstardom. I just think he is over rated...relax! I feel Aamir is the better 'actor' of the two...but then thats my opinion.
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