BENQ name sounded so different and unique that I fell for it. It is a beautiful phone when it comes to looks and styling and that is what bowled me over. Sleek handy and lightweight is what u look at when u see it for the first time but trust me it sucks....
Good thing : LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK thats all
Bad Features: sound quality very poor display developed a black spot withing two days of use which refuses to go away. It will mysteriously disappear whenever I am supposed to take it to service center but would reappear to bother me. Though I am not a person who get bothered a lot with things.
Poorest of all u cannot request ringtones u have to download them from internet oh man why do I have to go through this to get a simple ringtone.
And polyphonic tones less we talk better it is about it. Though ringtones are good and a refreshing change from standard one but thevolume is so low that if u keep phone in ur jean pocket without vibrator u wont realize it is ringing.. so much for noise pollution .....
My recommendation never ever buy this phone even though they are available at very very affordable and lucrative prices.