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Member Since:Mar 12, 2004
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Education: b.e
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Manali...crowded yet lovely
Reviewed Manali
Title : Manali. Crowded yet lovely! Review : Hi all you people I am back after a very very long break..no not the one to manali but break from ms...anyways tRead more...
Badrinath residence of god
Reviewed Badrinath
Review : Hi, this time its about the sereniest and holiest place one can ever imagine. Its called Badrinath. Badrinath means lord of badri. People who are noRead more...
Touching ur heart
Reviewed Yamaha Libero
HI This time its about my bike. Well to be really honest before starting my reviewI would like to ask people how can they write so beautifully. I must say afRead more...
Badrinath residence of gods
Reviewed Rishikesh
Review : Hi this time its about the sereniest and holiest place one can ever imagine Its called badrinath. Badrinath means lord of badri ppl who are not awarRead more...
Hollywood hindi flick
Reviewed Spy Kids 3D
Hi to all of you This timeI am about to write a review about one of the worst ever crated movie with a very beautiful cast. WellI must say eitherI am the onRead more...
Reviewed Bharti Enterprises
HI Frnds I am back once again but this time as a fresher on forum I really dont have a clue which category to select to write this review. May be some policyRead more...
Full House
Reviewed Full House - TV Serials Zee Cafe TV Channel
I am not a very big fan of serial and specially not of serial being aired on zee english. But one fine day as god would have itI accidentally came across thisRead more...
BENQ nothing to enjoy
Reviewed BenQ S830C
BENQ name sounded so different and unique thatI fell for it. It is a beautiful phone when it comes to looks and styling and that is what bowled me over. SleekRead more...
S.S.G.M.C.E My College
Reviewed Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering-Shegaon
S.S.G.M.C.E my college Hi friends this is my first review and what better to start with other than institute that gave u enough knowledge and guidance to staRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on mainmonalisahoonna's review
I guess your review actually was more towards the potryal of lesbian relationship than about movie..still just wantto say yes bollywood directors would never be able to make a brokeback mountain...i agree to this becuase i have seen potrayl of gay men in insian movies and being a gay couple i hate i Read More...
Rated on mainmonalisahoonna's review
Rated on HashimKhan's review
Commented on JAYESHL's review
Nice review ..not even on i realized we were talking about a restau
Commented on own review
thanks for ur comment .yesroad is motorable uptil badrinath but u should be exp in driving in hilly terrains otherwise u wont be able to dive all the way
Commented on Koshish's review
well good review but what got me hooked was lyrics on ur profile.......all i will say is thankyou for reminding about my college days...guess u made me sentimental...once again a very very very big thank you
Commented on neyhaaa's review
hi welcome to ms community . Hope to seemore reviews comingfrom ur side.Though bit lengthier...but i guess murder is nothing to write about
Commented on Foolosophical's review
Its the best show amongst the shows of this genere.And your review left me nothing to write about still will give it a shot.
Rated on Foolosophical's review
Rated on Cousin2's review
Commented on Cousin2's review
it was a very beautiful review. I guess watching movie brought same nostalgic feelin as i had when i wrote review on my college. Must say one thing college day and anything that reminds u of them are amazingle beautiful
Rated on rosea's review
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