For starters.. to call best of the beast just an album would be serious insult to even imagine it is yet another heavy metal compilation that youl probably buy but will rust in your a sin... to dismiss it as another record for angst filled rebel teens is....pure sacrilage
take it from me buddy, Best of the beast... youv either loved it or you worshipped it...this is an classic.. holy piece of creative genius..a record which has been a part of every metalhead world over.. whether or not he/she is an iron maiden devotee..that being introduction to what I call a thinking mans music.. happened by my great fortune wid a worn out tape of BOtB... the first track called... number of the beast... just blew me.. and changed my life forever.. the entire tape played a hundred times at home.. I was hooked.. hooked for life I guess..:)).. wasted years remains my favourite .. check out the opening riff.. aw man.. can feel the goosebumps...trooper is another classic.. so is 2 minutes to midnight and the rest..MUST HAVE..but word of caution.. do not even try watching maiden videos..theyr stoopid.. to say the least .. on the tape.. bring your daughter to the slaughter is to the hills is better.. me running out of superlatives..
all im saying is .. for all you guys who have never tried metal...or even if you have or whatever dude... BUY THIS TAPE/CD...this is as good as it gets.. there are some bands which will fade out in their freakin twenties.. these guys are fifty plus and still rockin hard... cheers