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Member Since:Jul 05, 2005
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the stereotypical curd rice eating south indian chick. uh.. nothing really...heavy metal/scrabble/trivia/science fiction/sad humour
About Me
Education: dint like it
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Reviewed Garage Inc - Vol 2
The world is divided into two parts.. the ones who love old mettalica and the ones who still love these guys -but-dont-likRead more...
Reviewed Rust In Peace - Megadeth
With the risk of sounding really cliche...RIP.. is megadethss BEST..in my personal view.. the best thing about megadeth is that the just dont sing aboutRead more...
Lee iacocca-an auto(mobile)-biography
Reviewed Iacocca - Lee Iacocca
I guess all of us go through this phase in life where you dont want what you get.. dont get what you want and dont even know what you want.. I was goin througRead more...
Reviewed Best OF The Beast - Iron Maiden
for starters.. to call best of the beast just an album would be serious insult to intellect..to even imagine it is yet another heavy Read more...
Reviewed PES Institute of Technology-Bangalore
Lets start of some assumptions .. there are three kind of students.. or 12-passouts..the ones who are obbsessd with campus placements.. and subjects..and are Read more...
LEE Iacocca-an autobiography
Reviewed The Hound Of The Baskervilles - Arthur Conan Doyle
I guess all of us go through this phase in life where you dont want what you get.. dont get what you want and dont even know what you want.. my engineering exRead more...
Styx kicks azz
Reviewed STYX Pub - MG Road - Bangalore
hmmm.. let me start off with a lets say a ..more cynical kinda approach...as an average ,regular pub-goin 20 somethin .. what am I essentially lookin for ...dRead more...
Platinum bodies,blore
Reviewed VLCC - Khar - Mumbai
Aw man.. this is just another lousy write up about yet another health club in blore..me an ordinary slightly bulky 20 something poor soul..so er.. ya.. you guRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on cowinmypants's review
Commented on cowinmypants's review
thats a lethal mix i see.. whatabout mettalica's cover of whiskey.. thin lizzy must be proud of that one :) good write up man.. looks very 'proffesional'
Commented on wampyrii's review
ah.. this is a must have .. is in the same league as say painkiller and the likes.. seasons in the abyss is another classic
Commented on bl00dp00l's review
ozzy forever ...paranoid is a decent attemot by saint mustaine
firehouse is a good band.. but after a while they start sounding too gooey
Commented on payal5ul's review
exactly... this is the biggest possible waste of cyber space that i could have imagined.. and bon jovi and santana are heavy metal for chrissake!.. please go back to playin with kids or somethin.. heavy metal not for you
Commented on kuber's review
nice album.. but isnt as big a life changing experience as you make it out to be im afraid hehe
Commented on Stormind's review
yeah pre-teens and over teens making a lot of noise when they see 'linkin park'... is disheartening to say the least
Commented on psyxx's review
you may not like this sort of music?? dood.. cmon man.. tats like sounding odd..
Commented on Pras-Kar's review
dood..nicely put.. cudnt agree more.. add the canteen shed and the ancient labs... but then... ill be like a lil loyalist here n say.. its kinda ok ..whatsay.. no classes for mech .. tats like somethng to die for..unlike trical
Commented on disskonnekt's review
dood...'faculty '????.. you sure?... and environment (!) . girls hostel is good. tho.
Commented on last_kiss's review
no offence gal, but your review sounds kiddo, you should listen to a lot more music before you write reviews.... megadeth is thrash metal... dream theatre is alternative.. you cant group them...:)
Commented on own review
^^ yea man..this is kinda my special album...brings back loadsa memories.. you play bass? love peace empathy nayantara
dude.. for most of our hindi-speakin junta your review might sound like the word of god..but dude.. whatbout genre's man!!!!...your talkin hendrix and elvis in the same breath.. and someone says nirvana!!!!...the world is comin to an end...duude.. cmon man...
dear mr basu..firstly..i do play for a rock band.. dont fantasise about it like mebbe you do.. you seem stuck upon the whole west versus east thinge.. you seem to be mixing up issues here.. what has easy lingo got to do anything that your talking about..teenagers!.. .. im a 20 something... as far as Read More...
hey that s a pantera follower here.. we miss ye dimebag hey hows legends btw..
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